Medal at the Mundials

Hi Guys,

Just heard from Dave that Sophie won silver in the womens purple belt at the Mundials. No other details besides that.
I'm sure you will all agree that this is a huge effort by Soph and should be congratulated. So far this year she has won gold at the Pan Ams in both gi and no gi, and now silver at the mundials.

Congrats from everyone at DMMA.

Dave fights tomorrow and I will let you know how it goes.


Wow that is a brilliant run of results!


Huge Congrats to Sophie. Well done.

Congradulations - those medals don't come for free so it must be extremely satisfying seeing the fruits of your labour.

wow big congrats on the medal, she still team Machado?

yes she is still machado... can't imagine why you would think otherwise. anyway.

dave she hits a year as purple in about a month i think.

soph has been tearing people apart both here in brazil and in the states. the only thing that has let her down in competition is competition experience. she is yet to roll in class with a girl of any rank that can tap her, and she is regularily tapping purple (and some brown) guys. lol. thats always fun to watch.

a great result for sure. super proud.

dmma (dave in rio)

"yes she is still machado... can't imagine why you would think otherwise. anyway"

Didn't mean to disrespect DMMA, just asking ;)

congrats and good to hear.

Props to Soph.

With results like that it makes me feel a little better about the continued schooling she gives me on the mat. :o)


hey guys,

just a quick report. you can see how the de been guys did on the other thread. all rolled well, and once again losses seem to be attributed to lack of comp experience.

i was lucky enough to have a bye in the 1st round. then won my first fight. lost my 2nd fight due to a severe case of stupidity.

have to say one of the highlights of the day was watching kron gracie (ricksons 19 yr old son) submit everyone (5 opponents) in the purple belt leve or medio. he did the same thing the week before at the copa do mundo. old school bjj. was great to see.

spend the day watching the black belts tear each other apart. some amazing fights with the finals due tomorrow...

anyway, i will be seeing you crazy kids in a week.

dmma (dave, soon to no longer be in rio)

Congratulations to Sophie, that is a big acomplishment.

Well done Soph.

Considering the relativly small number BJJ girls Australia has we always seem to do well at world level.

will be good to have you back Dave




Kron subbed 6 i think, 2 weeks 2 worlds, 11 victims, 2 golds!

COngrats to aussie medallists too.

Jsho is correct. He subbed 5 the week before at the world cup, and 6 at the mudials. 11 matches, 11 subs.
Got his brown after the last match at the mundial. Worst thing: he's apparently only 17!

don't worry Dave, if you train every day with me, for the next fifteen years you won't be as good as him



any blackbelt results guys?

results int eh bjj forum

but check out as well for pics and more.

Congratulations to Sophie, Dave and all other Aussie's competing!!!