In the early days, some colorful characters participated in NHB events. Ever meet one of them? John Hess? Joe Son? Plenty to choose from. Training stories would be even better.
Here in the Midwest, I went to at least 100 events during the NHB era
The best way that I can describe the locker room
Imagine a bunch of Sean Strickland personalities with about 10% of the talent
There were events where fighters used to have to pay in order to fight
I threw $15 at a guy that was boasting what a bad ass he was, but couldn’t afford the entry fee.
A few others kicked in and we funded his entry
The guy lasted less than a minute and the rest of the night we heard all of his war stories
Many , MayheM , Joker , Diazzzzz, Marco, Rizzo too many
Did you ever try to find Jon Hess?
I met Royce Gracie, ken Shamrock, Zane Frazier, Kevin Rosier, Mo Smith, Marco Ruas, Fred Ettish,Steve Jennum, Dan Severn… just to name a few
Met Mo Smith in Seattle, that guy has the biggest barrel chest I’ve seen. Very cool and hilarious as fuck.
I’d guess guys like him would be cool. I am more curious about the quirky characters like Jon Hess or TMA guys that talked big in interviews before testing themselves in the UFC.
I have paid those online people finders trying to find
John Hess
Harold Howard
Bobby Hoffman
I have not had any luck with them
Ive told you before that Harold Howard is in a canadian jail(last i heard).
I got Bobby Hoffman into the sport but haven’t seen him for 17 years.
I have no idea about Jon Hess
Great thread. I have looked up so many of these guys over the years with no luck. We need to start a godundme to find Jon Hess.
Ryan Parker (The Okinawan Karate guy) would also be interesting to hear from. At least these TMA guys were willing to put it on the line. I’ve heard many big names from the MA magazines turned the UFC down or priced themselves out.
Ryan Parker MMA Stats, Pictures, News, Videos, Biography -
Too many to list in the California NHB days (Started in 1998)
Going back to early UFC or Pride? Fedor,Royce,Big Nog,Sakuraba,Anderson Silva,Henderson,Ken Shamrock & Dana.
Those are mostly early MMA guys. We’re talking the NHB guys. Zane Frazier, Gerard Gordeau, Andy Anderson, Jon Hess, Steve Nelmark, Steve Jennim etc
Cal Worsham baby!
I heard Zane Frazier punctured Worsham’s lung with a kick at UFC 9. He almost got Varlens too. Those old downward elbow strikes…look out!
Oh man,Cal Worsham was so fucking glad that someone recognized him.But hey,it made him happy & there’s nothing wrong with that.
The guy put it on the line many times in big and small shows. Gotta respect it. He studied BJJ to improve his skills as well.
I’ve met plenty more UFC champions.
*Edited to say old school champions like Matt Hughes,Jens Pulver,Frank Shamrock,Frank Mir,Chuck Liddell,Randy Couture & Tim Sylvia.
This shit wasn’t at a fucking Las Vegas expo either.I’m talking one at a time over the years.
I’m sure.