Mezger's BADASS finale yesterday!!

Yesterday at a KIA dealership in Dallas, they had the finale for the Guy Mezger ‘Badass' show! They had KEN SHAMROCK as the special referee.

Guy came out at the start and he was HOT in person. The guy who won the competition, Marc, was going to get a chance to come out and either drink a glass of milk (LOL!!) like a good boy and go home to momma, or pick a fighter to face: Alex Andrade, Tra Telligman, Travis Luter or a guy called Eric I'd never heard of.

Guy was funny! He said the guy could go cry to momma!! This fired Marc up and he picked the most physically intimidating fighter, Alex. He had HUGE balls! If he could last 5 minutes, he would win 25K. I wouldn't fight any of them for that much!! The crowd wanted him to pick Tra, I guess to have a better chance of winning, but he stepped up and took on THE BULL!

The fight didn't last long. Both were throwing bombs! Marc came out strong and Alex looked tentative. After both got staggered a bit, and both got physicaly knocked back, Marc managed to regain his composure and shoot / take down Alex with a big slam! Just due to his sheer size Marc (who was a good 10-20 lbs heavier than Alex) was able to throw Alex around. Ken looked really worried. Alex sort of lost his composure but got it back to the feet. Anyway, Marc eventually managed to do a bit of lay and pray, pinning the much smaller Alex underneath him and holding him there for some time.

Ken decided to restart the action standing which sort of got booed by the crowd since the guy was trying to last the 5 minutes and make the money. It looked biased on Ken's part. Marc rushed in but Alex threw a series of flashy kicks and actually eventually dropped Marc to the canvas. Alex flipped out and went crazy, he threw a HUGE kick to Marc's face! It looked like a kickoff on a NFL football game. Marc looked really hurt bad. Shamrock started laughing and stopped the fight.

GREAT ACTION! Andrade was badass!

It was NEVER said that this was to be kept a secret. Plus there were easily 5,000 fans in attendance.

This was attended for free by thousands and they never told anyone that this was a secret.

Alex Andrade should be fighting somewhere for a belt. He looked great!

They had some undercard fights too but to be honest they seemed like unskilled amatures and they were supposedly exhibitions.

never heard of the show before

Is the ref supposed to laugh at a fighter's being soccer kicked before stopping the fight?

No he didn't just double over with laughter. He did his job it was just that he broke up when the kick landed. It didn't affect how he reffed the fight.

You have to understand that these fighters aren't the same as you or me. They basically see this kind of stuff everyday. So Ken was probably just thinking that "yeah, welcome to our world where this is the norm." I guess it was just the chance to have a regular guy find out what it is like to actually fight. The guy was down on all fours and looking down. It was a perfect kick.

what did marc do to win the competition?

They never said. But there were a bunch of challengers and he got the right to call out one of the fighters and try to make the $25,000. I don't know if they had to fight each other or do competitions against each other.

That is debatable cornholio. I'm just glad to see mma being done in Big D!

I didn't take a camera. Surely someone else from this forum was there! There were thousands in attendance.

There were thousands in attendance for "the contender" fights and I didn't see those fights getting spoiled..

I bet they were told to keep it a secret. They had this advertised on TV all week long! They didn't say anything about taping for a show they said FIGHTS at KIA! When we were there, they didn't say a thing about keeping this under wraps.

one of my friends was telling me he heard the commercials on the radio but i forgot all about it.

First of all they didnt announce their weights so the weight difference was a guess.

Yes it was on the radio and TV ads.

Some unsuspecting guy who'd never fought mma before gets a full-on football kickoff kick to the face by a pro fighter who should have a belt, and Ken laughs at that? Yeah, that's the Ken Shamrock we all know and have come to expect...class all the way. Ken should have squeezed the shit out of him while he was unconscious for a true taste of Ken's world and added entertainment value.

Look it wasn't like that. Ken did his job the right way. He just cracked up a bit like he was just thinking, "yeah now this kid knows what it's like to step into the world of a professional fighter." He stopped the fight on time.

Kdiddy it was awesome! Im totally stoked to have this kind of thing in Dallas. Who would of thought, you know?