Micah Miller of TEAM PRAXIS will be making his PRO DEBUT against MR. Larry Landry April 28 at KNUCKLE UP! Micah is the ISCF SE Amatuer Champ and is looking forward to fighting a very tough Mr. Landry. Micah has been traiing hard and watching his diet. Thanks go out to CAM, MATHEW, Team Praxis members and Micahs other training partners. I look forward to an awsome event and a great crowd. Look for Micah to bring it with his "let it all hang out" style.
Thanks also go out to the nice people from KNUCKLE UP for sharing this opportunity with MICAH.
I'm predicting a tko finish in the first for micah good luck bro wish i could be there. tough fight for landry props for steping up though he was a tough amateur i just think he might be a bit outclassed
ttt for Micah in his pro coming out party- way I see it he was a pro every time I saw him fight. I guess he just got his card -- good luck Micah -- dem Miller's is some bad boys -took after their ol Man I suppose.