Michael "The DIS-Count" Bisping (pic)

 I'm going to try and book a show in England, you can come see my comedy live.

naderhood -  I'm going to try and book a show in England, you can come see my comedy live.

 lol..    can i have a free ticket if i promise not to heckle you??      ....infact fuck it!!   ill just pay.<br />
<br />
Infact if you can book a legit show in the UK i
ll pay you £50..(thats ££££    not $$$) ie proppa money

Nothing would amuse me more than naderhood trying to make a Brittish crowd laugh

 Apparently American comedians are very popular in Glasgow & Edinburgh? 


 I dont know what the Glasgow and Edinburgh joke means. But how do you know that I'm not a comedian here in the states? Would you be surprised if I told you I was a comedian?

I'd do a show there. You book it and fly me there and I'll bring the laughs with me.



For the recent similar thread


True story, I found the same Bisping doll for sale on clearance at a different low budget baller store.


Seeing the Ronda doll thread reminded me of the DIS-Count.  Thought I'd give him a bump.

haha this thread

Ah the good old days

This thread has made me do a discount double check

I miss the old UK vs US silly wars.

A lot of fun was had during that year of destruction for our Brit friends. Phone Post 3.0

WAT BISPING!!! Phone Post 3.0


UKTT has been ran off the forum due to superior American fighting.

I just fount this at Bealls Outlet. My son builds shit with blocks and Mayhem knocks it down, or gets locked inside all the time.
Phone Post 3.0

ChokingOnACookie - I just fount this at Bealls Outlet. My son builds shit with blocks and Mayhem knocks it down, or gets locked inside all the time.
Phone Post 3.0
Lol Phone Post 3.0

Grand memories with grander gents

DOMINANT DAN!!!!! Phone Post 3.0

ChokingOnACookie - I just fount this at Bealls Outlet. My son builds shit with blocks and Mayhem knocks it down, or gets locked inside all the time.
Phone Post 3.0
He's actually doing well lately. Talked to Jason the other day. Phone Post 3.0