Michael "The DIS-Count" Bisping (pic)

 LOL @ "pillow fists doll".


this thread has provided me with ample entertainment. bravo to you, sir

 I'll have some more when I get back from the gym. Feel free to romoshop my frens!

Strung56 - LOL

this thread has provided me with ample entertainment. bravo to you, sir

hopefully this is only the beggining

naderhood -  Hahaha, Ramit, you're in "Discount Denial"

 The words "Pillow fists doll" look as though they may have been somehow added to a random reciept?..

This doesn`t prove a thing..

I had to sign in and throw something on this epicness !!! can i ask why you were in the discount part of t k maxx in the first place ???

STANDnBANG - I had to sign in and throw something on this epicness !!! can i ask why you were in the discount part of t k maxx in the first place ???

 ..Either he`s a cheapskate or he had a "cunning plan" to try to outwitt the UKTT?(impossible btw)


...Nice hat naderhood!!   ;)

suess - 
ramit upper - 
naderhood -  Hahaha, Ramit, you're in "Discount Denial"

 The words "Pillow fists doll" look as though they may have been somehow added to a random reciept?..

This doesnt prove a thing..</blockquote><br />
<br />
lol it's totally part of the receipt! <br />
<br />
great thread btw</blockquote>Hmmm??&nbsp;&nbsp; you might be right?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ..but&nbsp;something seems&nbsp;shady about it..&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I can
t put my finger on it?


oh man this could get hilarious...subscribed!!!

 lol..     some people are getting genuinely excited about this thread..     

naderhood -  I'll have some more when I get back from the gym. Feel free to romoshop my frens!

 I was wondering why the Bisping doll looked so familiar, and then it came to me...


the resemblance is uncanny!

Oh, this is gonna be so good

In for the epicness to come.

Do they do a Rivera doll? One that is all battered and bruised and broken looking? They should have them ready for a spring release because that's the state he's going to be in. Meanwhile Bisping dolls will continue to fly off the shelves.

MotorBoater85 -  LOL @ "pillow fists doll".

 Priceless, absolutely priceless.

explodingboy - Do they do a Rivera doll? One that is all battered and bruised and broken looking? They should have them ready for a spring release because that's the state he's going to be in. Meanwhile Bisping dolls will continue to fly off the shelves.

 Lame. This would actually work if we all nuthugged Rivera here to the point of delusion.

ramit upper -  lol..     some people are getting genuinely excited about this thread..     

you are a bigger idiot then I thought.
He wrote Discount doll on the receipt because a receipt isn't going to say Michael Bisping UFC doll. it says toys and books retard.


the best part about this is its 5.00 and you damn near didnt buy it.

i wonder if bizbing ever imagined people wouldnt be buying his doll for 5$ someday..

i wonder if he ever thought to himself..

"maybe theyll buy it on second thought of how hilarious itll be to make fun of me"

feed him to the yorkie, bruh.

terriers got no patience for overhyped, weak chinned, pillow fisted, douches.
