Michigan check in

Ukiyo in Warren.

I heard the MASH guys are kinda scattered to the winds again?

I know Segan is teaching out of the Powerhouse at 15 and grosbeck on Mon and Wed. At least thats whats I heard forever ago. Not sure that the stat is now but I wouldnt mind getting out there once in a while to train with him either.

Katai: I heard from a friend of Gallo's that they're out of there now and looking for a place again.

Budokan judo/jujitsu- Judo, Sambo, jujitsu, Labell Grappling
shelby township

Motor city boxing- Boxing, kickboxing
8 mile, detroit

Not sure what's going on w/ all the MASH guys...James, Derrick and a few others are still training out of Warrior Way. I hear Brendan has his own place, and I guess Dave Vitkay trains at Gomez's downriver. Doesn't make sense that they're all scattered around. I think it's because of the distance some of them drive.

Holy fuck, it's Dominic, Run!

Angelo: I had it under good account that some of the guys were now running something called 'the east side combat club'.

Kai, yeah, that was Brendan's club/school's name. Best of luck to all of those guys, they were good to train with while they were at our place.

Angelo: Ah, so Seguin was running it...

Wish the best to them and everyone training in the state...

Seguin, Vance, and myself started EASTSIDE COMBAT CLUB inside a powerhouse, then they kicked us out for a quiznos.

Brandon: What you guys doing now?

Dang, that sucks that everyone is splitting up. Brandon, I can check with my school in Warren and see if we have any open time for you guys that you can set a schedule and train. I would love to start training with you guys. James and Mahlow have been trying to get me to train with you guys forever now but you guy have always started training so late at night and I work midnights so it makes it hard.

If you want though, I can check for any open times and then talk to my instructor about it. Its at 10 and Hoover in Warren.

Oh, I see...I just know that I called Brendan back once and his message said "East Side Combat Club", so I just assumed. I'll miss you guys sniff, sniff Good luck with everything!


angelo- we will be there from time to time. I would love to train in warren it is alot closer. We set up the old 8 mile matts in Seguins 1 car garage, a little cramped but we jump in between guys legs for fun so it is not that big a deal

Brandon, Im sure I can work you guys into my school if you want it. I know Sundays are open pretty much all day. For any of the other times I would just have to look at the schedule. If you really want to do it, let me know and give me some days and times to work with that you guys can actually train.

Hit me up at Lilmight1881@fastmail.fm

Marie Colangelo


i train with gallo and all those guys at the "eastside combat club". whats up gallo? Have any of you guys been training at seguins house lately? school has been real crazy this year so i have not had time to train. this is bill by the way

Yo Marie, what about just having them come down and roll Mondays and Wednesdays if they want to roll in the meantime?

Bill whats up, we are starting back at seguins. Marie, thanks I will drop you a line

gallo, how are you and brendan doing after the injuries? when you guys are ready to start back up at seguins let me know.