Michigan check in

Brandon, anytime.

Kai, they are welcome anytime at our school. I just know they train a little harder than the Monday and Wednesday classes. Thats why I offered them their own spot.

Where does Seguin live cause I would love to get in on the training.

Also, Team MASH, Im not sure if this is a rumor or not. I just heard about is last night. What happened to Mahlow? I heard he got his face busted/broke in his last fight and is no longer fighting at all. Please clear this up so we know the truth.



Bill-I have a doctors appointment this week, hopefully I can start training again, Seguin is taking some time off. Marie- John broke his orbital bone and may not fight again, it happened in the first round and he still went the distance. When do you guys train, as of now I can not spar but I am sure I will be given the green light soon

Southside Dojo in Kalamazoo

I've done a little of everything, but more recently has been mostly judo.



"it happened in the first round and he still went the distance."

That deffenitly sounds like Mahlow.

"When do you guys train, as of now I can not spar but I am sure I will be given the green light soon."

Class is on Mon and Weds from 730-930pm. I am only there on Weds cuase I am at the gym on Monday nights. Pretty much they class deals with a lot of drilling and them just grappling.

I deffenitly want to get something going though. I know the way you guys train out at MASH and I really like that type of training. James and John both have been trying to get me to train with you guys for a while now but I never could cause I work midnights and you guys always started training so late. I have to be done by 9 and get home ot get ready for work.

If you can train on Sundays let me know cause the school is pretty much free on Sundays. I get off work at 7am but need some time to sleep so I can train as early as 2pm and any time pretty much after that. I can also train Saturdays as well but not until about 2ish. We have a couple time slots opened during the week too but I will have to check the times before I let you know for sure. I have a key so we can train anytime there is not a class going on. Im only 5'2.5 but I can kick some ass ;0)


Yeah, Gallo, come down and throw me on my head, then you can brag to Salvatore about how you kicked my ass!

Just kidding, it'll just be nice to have some more good people down rolling.

Brandon, what event and who was John fighting and do you know with what strick that he was hurt? When was this event too?

I will come in a few weeks to roll. John was fighting in combat zone against mike lee, he just got caught with a straight right. I have the video and it does not look like much but if you sparr with John you knew something was wrong, then at the end of the fight his eye was blown up.

I will come in a few weeks to roll. John was fighting in combat zone against mike lee, he just got caught with a straight right. I have the video and it does not look like much but if you sparr with John you knew something was wrong, then at the end of the fight his eye was blown up.

I am having my nose fixed next week. I broke my nose my first day I ever trained at MASH thanks to Robert and am now going to get it fixed four years later. then I will start training for a bit then start fighting again, see ya soon

Brandon, let me know when you are going to be up at the school cause for the past two weeks I have been somewhere else training. Let me know so I can make sure that I am at the school when you go up there too roll. I need more good people to train with in everything.

I would like to see Johns fight too.


Team Caique Lapeer
Dan Cousineau

Don, send me your guys training schedule out there so I can come train once in a while.

Myself and my buddy Justin are going 4 wheelin this Saturday over here by our place if you wanna ride, let me know.

Couple pics of Lil Katai's last tourney


Monday through thursday 8:00pm-9:30.If you need directions let me know.I let you know about riding later this week.

Thanks for posting the photos Yuki. I will have more to post pretty soon.

Don, yeah, I need directions too if ya can give them to me. Yeah, let me know about riding too. We went out today and it was cold as hell fun FUN! hahaha

The easiest way is to get a map from mapquest.The address is 1121 N.Saginaw Holly,MI 48442.

Sweet, thanks

no problem I hope you come visit us soon.