Mike Perry on which fighter gets the most poon

I meant teach as in they actually take the time to learn how to please their partner, making them a more compatible partner. Everyone should do this, male or female… if you don’t- then you are the problem. Clearly hit a soft spot. Lol



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It’s great to be a quiet, shy guy in a relationship. It makes it more surprising and impactful when you smack the shit out of the bitch.


Sean Connery GIF by James Bond 007


You’ll never be a woman.

Why the hate?

It’s the OG


There’s a lot of lonely and shut-in bros around here, I dont want to see them get hurt, played or catfished.

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What does that have ANYTHING to do with ANYTHING I have said. This was light hearted goofy thread where I literally threw Brock’s name out there because I think girls like shy, quiet guys. I have stated that I like relationships and say that it is important to learn to please your partner… which, in my experience, guys who are less egotistical are willing to do.
You guys then jump on me and call me a crazy bimbo and immature - or a man… not sure which way you are going there. Apparently, because I am a girl (WOMAN), I cannot take part in these threads. I feel like that is bullshit.


There are a lot of nerds here that are mean to anyone female and run them off with insults or by calling them guys.

This site is trash but there are some decent posters around still worthwhile.


Costa woulda been my guess. Any chicks seeing the footage of you getting air fucked by izzy post fight would def not help though


To all the jerk offs being dicks to me for no reason:
-I am in a very happy relationship with a pro heavyweight fighter (over 5 years now)
-I train as well, mainly karate and jiujitsu
-I love MMA

  • I am pursuing a degree in sports psychology
  • I am a nice person
  • I am not trying to catfish you
    -I have a spine and am not scared off so easily
    -I am not the pretty girl who shut you down in highschool. This thread is not your opportunity to get back at her through me.

Wait a minute, are you edited by any chance?


No… but I prefer to remain anonymous. Some people definitely know me in here. They would recognize my picture. If you do know me you, I prefer not to have my name posted.

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Say no more.

Violin GIF

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I apologize it was a bit aggressive. I believe women are holding the fabric of society together and guys talking shit on me saying that Joe rogan could spin kick my head my head off, could benefit somebody like you and me starring in the violin and put it like this girl if you let me play the violin on your pussy, I’ll polarize and compress the G spot from both the top and bottom simultaneously plus clitoral stimulation, playing it like a swizzle stick flute. Your pelvis will come off the bed and attach to my face. Meaning we upgrade the Kama Sutra as I give give you the fountain of orgasms, and win a Nobel prize. The violin works, stevia works, think about that ny migga.

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I just want to know if all that stuff that comes out when womenz squirt is pee

please say it ain’t

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I have read that there are traces of urine found in it.
Who Knows Idk GIF


that’s just …

anyways, please don’t mind the UG, most of these dudes haven’t gotten laid since GSP escaped that nasssssssssty armbar against Karo.

I’m gonna go against the grain and bet a lighter fighter is actually getting the most poon in the UFC.

Muscle takes a lot of oxygen, @Missmmafan I know you mentioned being in a long term relationship w a HW but I want you to think really hard and be 100% honest with me. Your craziest memories are with a bantamweight si?

I’m talking Fight Club scene type of sex