Mike Swick is battling cancer

They just gave me a nice couple of shoutouts on the Forrest Griffin episode.


Word I noticed yesterday they interview Forrest Iā€™ll have to get to it sooner than later.

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1:34:36 :wink:


Loll yea man Iā€™ve heard more than a few shoutouts now with the interviews I watched.

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God damn this fucking planet at times!!! Get well soon buddy, kick the fuck out of it!!


The mic capturing him saying something like ā€œyou just gonna clinch me all fight you fucking bitchā€ is one of my favorite moments.

Damn, that sucks to hear but it sounds like heā€™s getting after it. Looking forward to a full recovery Mike!

I donā€™t think Mike is implying that the vaccine caused his cancer. Detectable tumors are not like injuries, they do not occur instantaneously. Even if the vaccines were carcinogenic you wouldnā€™t see cancer for probably years after. Anyway best wishes for Mike, always enjoyed his fights.


Very sad. Seems like a good guy.

all the best Mike ā€¦the UG is praying for you

Awful to hear. Swick do your thing and fuck that Cancer up- prayers being sent!!

You got this Mike.

I noticed that at a very young age. Itā€™s why I made a commitment to evil

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Cancer loses by Swick-otine.


Keep kicking ass, Mike!

All the bestā€¦stay strong

Yeah, you donā€™t get cancer instantaneously like that.

Iā€™ve known two people in my life whoā€™ve gotten cancer. Oddly enough, both had the cancer triggered by a minor injury (that was their opinion anyway).

In both cases, they didnā€™t attribute the cancer to the injury, but did view it as a catalyst - The cancer was already there in their body, but the injury brought it out somehow.

With Swick, it wouldnā€™t shock me if the vaccine also acted as a catalyst since his immune system was triggered/activated?

Of course this is all me totally speculating, as Iā€™m not a doctor.

@anon44476575 is any of this in the realm of possibility at all?

Get well quick, Mike!

You got this Mike! Iā€™m sure youā€™re feeling all the support man, let this help bolster you in your fight!

Fuck cancer

Beat that shut QUICK