Mike Swick is battling cancer

Hopefully he makes QUICK work of this.


The vaxxes do precisely what happened. Itā€™s happening everywhere. Yes you may be predisposed to cancer genetically but you can sure as hell know the vaxxes get the ball rolling alot faster. Itā€™s be design.

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We are in your corner @Mike_Swick!

Get well soon!

Can we leave the covid/vaccine talk out of one fucking thread and just support Mike? Youve got this man, weā€™re all rooting for you


Mike just radiates good energy. You can tell hes a really solid fucking guy.

Knock that shit out Mike ive always been a fan since fighting and check out the pod when i can. HE INVENTED THE SPONSOR FLAG!!

All the best Mike, youā€™ll beat this shit

All the best Mike, kick this shits ass.

Good luck Mike! Get well soon.

Good luck Mike.

Kick cancerā€™s ass, Mike.

Hope the best for him. Not sure why he didnt follow the science on how unnecessary the jab is for people his age.

Fuuuuckkk prayers to Mike Swick :pray:

The trolling is out of control. Itā€™s not even trolling anymore, itā€™s just pure hatred. I saw posts on the OGer who passed away, and thereā€™s jokes in the suicide awareness thread. These are not trolls. These are hateful losers who feel empowered by the internet & trying to ruin someoneā€™s day.


Honestly, nobody is moderating much anymore.


The only reason I mentioned and commented on the vax is because Mike himself decided to add it to his explanation and updates about his life. If he mentioned it he must have been concerned somewhat about it. Itā€™s a valid comment and holds truth. So, relax.

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Thats a bold faced lieā€¦ Just post some tits like my good buddy @RIGPIG and even if you sensor within site rules you got some woke, cum guzzling, fraction of a man charging in with his red name censoring like thereā€™s a fucking quota that needs to be met. Most are outstanding, but you always get that one fucking twat thats bored of kicking his dog and has no lifeā€¦

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I was thinking eventually Iā€™ll just make a thread asking the top of the top men what are the rules going forward. So we can keep some threads going that we enjoy.

For now its fun to just raise hell and bitch whenever some faggot takes our shit away LOL. Sometimes squeaky wheel gets the grease.

But booty threads can be rebuilt

Thanks for tagging me Jon. I didnā€™t even know this about mr. Swickateen.

Not to get all cliche. But life is short and damn sure not guaranteed.

Mr. Swick if you ever read this. I wish you all the luck and Power in this fucking world to kick the shit out of that cancer. Iā€™m a fan for life. you helped me get some of my dumbass friends into watching MMA. Back during tuf 1 days.

Fuck !!

Actual real positive vibes going out to you.


I donā€™t think the injury thing is out of the realm of possibility. Rumor has it Hannah Kroeger, who was a missionary, healed a bunch of kids with leukemia by resetting a misaligned tailbone. Not saying itā€™s 100% true, but her videos on Youtube and the procedures she used were interesting. There were some testimonials from people in the comments claiming she cured them or family members as well.

I know a lot of people would consider her a quack, but an interesting personal story from me is that my mom passed away from Leukemia. Not long before she passed I went down the rabbit hole of any and all possible alternative treatments because her medication was no longer working and making her extremely sick and I came across this woman and these videos. At first I completely disregarded it, but then we both recalled that about 3 years prior to her being diagnosed, she had fell on her butt outside and hairline fractured her tail bone. Interesting coincidence. We decided to try to find someone in the area to perform these alignments as a hail mary but it ended up being too late.

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I didnā€™t know about the fasting vastly improving the efficacy of the chemo when I did my 8 months of it. If and when I have to again I will definitely be doing it.

Mike ā€œSwiftā€ Recovery Swick. The name is on my prayer list.