multi-vitamin question...


The body often requires dosages far greater than the RDI. The RDI, by the admittance of the FDA, is not a guidline for a person.


Vitamins found in good tablets are the same vitamins you find in food. I'd like to read one reputable study that verifies your opinion.


Nope, I work for a locally owned, very successful vitamin store. Its nice because i get a close up look at all the inner workings every day (i work 7 days per week).

I suggest taking a job at the store you mention. It will be a good experience.



The prices on the LifeForce just dropped a week or two ago, but it depends on your needs. Before the price drop, the Supernutrition PerfectBlend was a better deal, especially if you only take two per day (i take 4 most days, and it ends up being maybe... $10 - $20 a month).

I haven't tried, or heard of the multi you mention, so i can't really say, but i will say that for athletes, pretty much nothing beats the combo of the SuperNutrition Optipak (or the perfectblend for a better price) and their antioxidant blend. The LifeForce is another really great one, but i tend to recommend the SN.

Check out the prices. A bottle of 240 tabs at my store (for the SN) runs at somewhere around $40 a bottle. Pretty good for one of the very best.


I have not read all the posts, but any advice on fish oil and or sambazon
capsules; whats with this Amazon berry?

Are the LifeForce tabs or caps easy to swallow? I dislike having to take lots of pills in a day

vermonter - are the lifeforce or SN at GNC or what stores are they at? thanks for the posts man.

"Are the LifeForce tabs or caps easy to swallow? I dislike having to take lots of pills in a day "

What's it going to be? A lot of small tabs, or a couple big ones? The law of physics applies to vitamins too. The bigger they are, the fewer you have to take to get the same stuff.

If you opt for smaller pills, but more of them, the following are good choices:

SuperNutrition: Longevity Multi

BlueBonnet: SuperEarth Minitabs

NaturesPlus: (can't remember the mulit name, but they offer a good minitab).



I don't know. I sometimes go to GNC to check out the competition, but i was more interested in the Garden of Life prices. Didn't notice any of the good multis, but i wasn't looking. Take a stop by next time and check it out.

You can get them shipped at for a pretty decent price.... the shipping is a flat rate, so the more you buy the cheaper it is. Over 150 and shipping is free.


i like the advocare multi and/or perfect food from garden of life


There are so many brands, how do you know what to trust? Do you have opinions on the following?

Pure Encapsulations
Carlson Labs
Enzmatic Therapy

What about men's OneSource? Is that a decent vitamin and are there any side effects?



someone answer my damned question

Centrum sucks?

But has Centrum with an approval rating across the board. So who's right? Look, ascorbic acid is Vitamin C. However, there are other compounds that may assist the effect of Vitamin C like riboflavonoids etc. Even doctors/researchers admit there may be compounds that aid Vitamins. But Ascorbic acid is vitamin C. You want to eat 20 oranges that's cool. That's why supplements are referred to as supplements IMHO. Nowadays, it's hard with work and athletic pursuits to get the "maximum" or optimum nutrition so hence that where supplements come in.

Not sure if this was already said, but stay away from vitamins with iron
as well, especially if you're taking it often. You most likely get enough
in your diet and extra iron in supplements could be detrimental.

synthetic means man-made. Whether or not you get Vitamin C from ascorbic acid or an orange doesn't mean ascorbic acid doesn't get absorbed.

what I found with the whole health supplement industry is that it's not the consumer who are
ignorant but those who peddle the stuff. Look
at bodybuilding magazines. Every craze ranging from
boron etc were all suppose to be somehow conducive
to mass growth. The closest thing was actually

There might be advantages of certain products like cold-pressed flax seed oils made by Udo's but I'm cynical about the whole health supplement industry.

All I found to need is fish oil, flax seed oil, multi vit & min, and protein powder in you work out alot to maintain weight and repair

What about OneSource?


Anyone here use the Sport Formula powder? Follow this link for more info:

For the users, any opinions? I just started taking it primarily becuase they've been advertising at recent BJJ tourneys and I liked their spiel. Any users?


USANA essentials. After taking them for 6 months morning and evening, I stopped having to use both asthma meds: Albuterol adn Advair. It's not a drug, but it is listed in the Physicians Desk Reference so the manufacturing quality is excellent.

anyone know anything about Now's multi vitamin or Nature's Best?

How are they?
