My opinion of steroids.

I think fighting with gloves is pussy-assed, nevermind a mouthguard or cup. As is fighting clothes, and not covered in olive oil and fighting on a slip and slide. THAT is the natural state of man, my friends.



I support Drew Fickett and his brave and outspoken anti-roid stance.


Throws out Minute Maid carton

"but roids are known to cause issues with the heart. that is widely known..right?"

Many of the health issues associated with steroids are urban legend.

Don't know who is correct anymore.

Scientists, up until the late '80's were still claiming that steroids did not work (put muscle on healthy adults). They have only recently been studying the effects, and many have found that those effects (bad sides) are totally reversable. You don't hear much about that, however, as it goes against the moral majority's views.

Any serious athlete's heart is enlarged. That is just nature.

As for Drew: Give the man props for his natural training, it must be tough given his surroundings and the presures to do otherwise.

Pastafarian, keep the coke dude.. He said STEROIDS

Agree with OP. Nice post Drew.

"but we do know for a fact that the increase in testostrone and steroid DOES lessen and remove sperm count. Anyone seen that test on TV where the guy was doing that stuff and he almost went completely fertile and wouldnt beable to have kids?"

Totally true and 100% reversible once you stop.

Doctors lie through ignorance.

"Does anyone know of someone who has died from roid usage? "

Tom Simpson died of steroid useage

"possibility of death? what makes you say that? "

overusage of any medication especially hormonial is a easy way to get yourself killed

"Many of the health issues associated with steroids are urban legend.

Don't know who is correct anymore."

True, many of the health issues comes from gross overusage. Problem is that in order to cut corners and try to get that competetive edge its very easy to go into overconsumption.


Drew turns normal men gay.

"Im pretty sure you can't swallow ape jizz and get its strength. God knows 1/2 the UG has tried! And not even for strength purposes. imo."


good post a fighter i could always tell who was juicing,and it sucked. as soon as we tied up or clinching the first thought in my head was you juicing mother fucker.there should be more testing in our sport..

I love it when people claim their favourite PRIDE fighter isn't on roids.

Why not exactly ?
Its not illegal in Japan, its not tested in PRIDE, and doing a very small quantity to help with recovery isn't going to cause them to drop dead in 10 years time.

So why the hell would they not do it ?

I found several articles on Tom Simpson. They say steroids were not the cause of death.

"Tom Simpson expired near the summit of Mt. Ventoux on July 13, 1967 due to heart failure induced by the lethal combination of dehydration, exhaustion, sweltering heat, amphetamines and alcohol."

pretty much everything else that came up with a  google search said the same thing.


I am with you 100% .
Unfortunatley, alot of my past competitors do not agree.
They may say, " I dont do steroids"... Which to me says, " " I take HGH"
At the end of the day, they have to live with the fact that their talent
wasnt enough to win. Nice work!
