Need help with a stalker

I have someone calling an harassing me from a redialer.  I am not able to change my number as it will lose a lot of business for me.  


This is has been going on for 9 months maybe a year.  Progressively gets worse in spurts.  Then dies down. But definitely wrecking my sleep and my voicemail as he renders it maxed out at times if I do not answer. 


This person is calling me from a new number each time all hours of the day and night from many different numbers.  Harassing me verbally etc. 


I just want to sleep.  I am unable to turn phone off as Usada has to be able to contact me 24hrs a day for testing. 



Does anyone have any suggestions on tracing a redialer.  I feel like if I find out their name and address they will get scared and stop.  



Any suggestions or help are greatly appreciated.

Answer the call?

Keep unwanted calls and bay with the new and improved WFA.

Hiya app for smart phones (I have on an Android phone).....refers to a database of known spammers and block them, plus you can manually block numbers yourself once you know it is spam.   Might help if the redialer numbers being used by your harrasser have been previously identified as spam calls.

Snake_Pliskan - 

Hiya app for smart phones (I have on an Android phone).....refers to a database of known spammers and block them, plus you can manually block numbers yourself once you know it is spam.   Might help if the redialer numbers being used by your harrasser have been previously identified as spam calls.

Thank you for the suggestion.  Didn’t help much.  I tried this a few months ago.  Dude is a professional at this it seems.  

I had an ex do this shit to me and it drove me nuts. Honestly I think you’re best bet is just to flat out t ask them what they want, I mean they obviously have issues with you, they may feel wronged by you even if they don’t actually know you. Maybe a 5 minute conversation can make it stop, maybe not. It’s possible they just want to fuck with your head because they’re an asshole, in that case I’d contact whoever you have service through and ask how to block calls that aren’t in your contact list from coming through at least temporarily until you get something figured out to keep from going crazy because believe me I know how stressful it can be when you just want something like that to stop.

We Are All One Mean Species - block number. should be basic function on your phone.

You know how a redialer works right? I’ve blocked over a 100 “numbers”



Todd Duffee -

I have someone calling an harassing me from a redialer.  I am not able to change my number as it will lose a lot of business for me.  


This is has been going on for 9 months maybe a year.  Progressively gets worse in spurts.  Then dies down. But definitely wrecking my sleep and my voicemail as he renders it maxed out at times if I do not answer. 


This person is calling me from a new number each time all hours of the day and night from many different numbers.  Harassing me verbally etc. 


I just want to sleep.  I am unable to turn phone off as Usada has to be able to contact me 24hrs a day for testing. 



Does anyone have any suggestions on tracing a redialer.  I feel like if I find out their name and address they will get scared and stop.  



Any suggestions or help are greatly appreciated.

if it was one number yes, but like you said he/she uses many new numbers.

call/go to the police and hear what they say.

btw USADA is beween 6 AM - 10 PM. you get 8 hours of sleep from them :)

Todd Duffee - 

I have someone calling an harassing me from a redialer.  I am not able to change my number as it will lose a lot of business for me.  


This is has been going on for 9 months maybe a year.  Progressively gets worse in spurts.  Then dies down. But definitely wrecking my sleep and my voicemail as he renders it maxed out at times if I do not answer. 


This person is calling me from a new number each time all hours of the day and night from many different numbers.  Harassing me verbally etc. 


I just want to sleep.  I am unable to turn phone off as Usada has to be able to contact me 24hrs a day for testing. 



Does anyone have any suggestions on tracing a redialer.  I feel like if I find out their name and address they will get scared and stop.  



Any suggestions or help are greatly appreciated.

Quick suggestion is to get a backup phone that you only use for USADA. That way you can turn your main phone off at night. The backup phone can be a cheap flip phone that you buy cards for to keep the minutes going.

TheReaper87 - 

I had an ex do this shit to me and it drove me nuts. Honestly I think you’re best bet is just to flat out t ask them what they want, I mean they obviously have issues with you, they may feel wronged by you even if they don’t actually know you. Maybe a 5 minute conversation can make it stop, maybe not. It’s possible they just want to fuck with your head because they’re an asshole, in that case I’d contact whoever you have service through and ask how to block calls that aren’t in your contact list from coming through at least temporarily until you get something figured out to keep from going crazy because believe me I know how stressful it can be when you just want something like that to stop.

I’ve had countless 5 minute convos before I hang up.  Just wants dick picks and to caress my chest.  Knows details about my family which seems to be infuriating as my close friends barely know details about my family.  Especially not the Internet.  So he has really dug.  And probably hacked accounts of mine in the past.  


They arent fucking with my head.  Just my sleep and patience for humanity. 

Morpheus1976 - 
Todd Duffee -

I have someone calling an harassing me from a redialer.  I am not able to change my number as it will lose a lot of business for me.  


This is has been going on for 9 months maybe a year.  Progressively gets worse in spurts.  Then dies down. But definitely wrecking my sleep and my voicemail as he renders it maxed out at times if I do not answer. 


This person is calling me from a new number each time all hours of the day and night from many different numbers.  Harassing me verbally etc. 


I just want to sleep.  I am unable to turn phone off as Usada has to be able to contact me 24hrs a day for testing. 



Does anyone have any suggestions on tracing a redialer.  I feel like if I find out their name and address they will get scared and stop.  



Any suggestions or help are greatly appreciated.

if it was one number yes, but like you said he/she uses many new numbers.

call/go to the police and hear what they say.

btw USADA is beween 6 AM - 10 PM. you get 8 hours of sleep from them :)


No you don’t.  And seeing as how I still don’t pass the smell or look test. (They comment on my physicque every time.) They’ll always be on me. Competing or not.  Ive seen them at 5am.  I refuse to miss a test over some

dude.  I also refuse to spend 30 bucks a month to keep a Usada phone available.  I’m not balling like th rest. 


We Are All One Mean Species - I mean, you can just send him the dick pics.

I’ve sent a plethora of all shapes and sizes. 

Todd Duffee -
We Are All One Mean Species - block number. should be basic function on your phone.

You know how a redialer works right? I’ve blocked over a 100 “numbers”



No, no he doesn't

Todd Duffee -
TheReaper87 - 

I had an ex do this shit to me and it drove me nuts. Honestly I think you’re best bet is just to flat out t ask them what they want, I mean they obviously have issues with you, they may feel wronged by you even if they don’t actually know you. Maybe a 5 minute conversation can make it stop, maybe not. It’s possible they just want to fuck with your head because they’re an asshole, in that case I’d contact whoever you have service through and ask how to block calls that aren’t in your contact list from coming through at least temporarily until you get something figured out to keep from going crazy because believe me I know how stressful it can be when you just want something like that to stop.

I’ve had countless 5 minute convos before I hang up.  Just wants dick picks and to caress my chest.  Knows details about my family which seems to be infuriating as my close friends barely know details about my family.  Especially not the Internet.  So he has really dug.  And probably hacked accounts of mine in the past.  


They arent fucking with my head.  Just my sleep and patience for humanity. 

I’m sorry to hear that man I really am, like I said the only other option I can think of is going to your provider and explaining that you have a refilled harassing you and asking if there’s a way to block numbers that aren’t in your contacts. I hope it gets worked out for your sanity’s sake

Todd Duffee -
Morpheus1976 - 
Todd Duffee -

I have someone calling an harassing me from a redialer.  I am not able to change my number as it will lose a lot of business for me.  


This is has been going on for 9 months maybe a year.  Progressively gets worse in spurts.  Then dies down. But definitely wrecking my sleep and my voicemail as he renders it maxed out at times if I do not answer. 


This person is calling me from a new number each time all hours of the day and night from many different numbers.  Harassing me verbally etc. 


I just want to sleep.  I am unable to turn phone off as Usada has to be able to contact me 24hrs a day for testing. 



Does anyone have any suggestions on tracing a redialer.  I feel like if I find out their name and address they will get scared and stop.  



Any suggestions or help are greatly appreciated.

if it was one number yes, but like you said he/she uses many new numbers.

call/go to the police and hear what they say.

btw USADA is beween 6 AM - 10 PM. you get 8 hours of sleep from them :)


No you don’t.  And seeing as how I still don’t pass the smell or look test. (They comment on my physicque every time.) They’ll always be on me. Competing or not.  Ive seen them at 5am.  I refuse to miss a test over some

dude.  I also refuse to spend 30 bucks a month to keep a Usada phone available.  I’m not balling like th rest. 


Ask jeff Novitzky for advice.

When are you returning?

Contact the FBI Cyber Crimes division, and your local authorities?  Everything they are doing is more than likely already illegal.  

I'd get a burner phone for your USADA.

With your current phone number, can you link it to Google Voice?  Let google voice manage your voice mail.  It will send you an email if someone actually leaves a important message regarding your business.  

You can then get an app like Call Control and have it auto forward all calls that are not on your WHITE list to voice mail.  This way important people will always get through, and anything random you will never be notified.  Check your email once or twice a day and be done.

Someone call Frank Mir and just tell him to knock it off.

StrikingMMA - 
Todd Duffee - 

I have someone calling an harassing me from a redialer.  I am not able to change my number as it will lose a lot of business for me.  


This is has been going on for 9 months maybe a year.  Progressively gets worse in spurts.  Then dies down. But definitely wrecking my sleep and my voicemail as he renders it maxed out at times if I do not answer. 


This person is calling me from a new number each time all hours of the day and night from many different numbers.  Harassing me verbally etc. 


I just want to sleep.  I am unable to turn phone off as Usada has to be able to contact me 24hrs a day for testing. 



Does anyone have any suggestions on tracing a redialer.  I feel like if I find out their name and address they will get scared and stop.  



Any suggestions or help are greatly appreciated.

Quick suggestion is to get a backup phone that you only use for USADA. That way you can turn your main phone off at night. The backup phone can be a cheap flip phone that you buy cards for to keep the minutes going.

You can get both numbers routed to the same phone and have a different ringtone for them. Or have your phone set up so that it only rings through when it's USDA.

P.S. - I'm just busting your balls about Frank Mir.

We Are All One Mean Species - Does the person leave messages? Can we hear them? I want access the level of craziness.

If you kept the recordings of the call and put them on YouTube and released them for people to hear then perhaps the income from your YouTube channel might pay for a second phone line?

...look...i'll level with you...all my ideas are not going to be great, you know?