Need help with a stalker

Gosh damn this thread. We had a guy who apparently lives under a rock say “just block the number” and somebody else try to tell a UFC Fighter how USADA works. *sigh*

I would go the FBI asap, not the local hilljack cops, the fucking FEDS. 


Non N00B -

Gosh damn this thread. We had a guy who apparently lives under a rock say “just block the number” and somebody else try to tell a UFC Fighter how USADA works. *sigh*

I would go the FBI asap, not the local hilljack cops, the fucking FEDS. 

anybody have the fbi 1 800 number?

Seriously though, with all the phone tech out there, someone has to have some sort of creative solution to this problem!

We've ruled out blocking the caller due to the auto-dialer changing numbers.

OP doesn't want to pay for seperate phone or a seperate number on the same service (might be cheaper though) due to costs.

What is it this person is looking for? Are we going to see you on Maury Pauvich?

We Are All One Mean Species - Will the FBI spend man hours and resources on a prank caller who wants to caress Duffee's chest. It isnt scream terrorist. Just seems like a normal person who just happens to have Duffee's number.

and the local Barney phifers wouldn't do shit, correct? Never had some care about me enough to stalk me. ok, now I'm kinda jealous of Todd..

I just did a search and google took me to this page called .

Apparently you download a small sound file and it plays when the phone is rang from an autodialer and fools the auto dialer into thinking your phone is busy and therefore it hangs up.

Now I don't know how to get this set up so that all your calls are screened by it, but maybe that's a start?

I think I would cave and get a new number. It sucks that people have nothing better to do than harass you. I’m sorry man. 

Change your number? 

Pay the $30/month and get a separate USADA phone. Turn the other phone’s ringer off. Simple solution that you’d have to be stubborn not to accept. Even if you’re not balling, your sleep and peace of mind is worth $30/month.

We Are All One Mean Species - I dont know what Duffee was looking for, but I bet he is really disappointed by this thread.

Nothing new.


what I want is a way to track his name and address.  That way I can inform him of his name an address so he stop from fear

The sad part is I live in Silicon Valley but got no hacker tech savvy friends friends. 



Get another phone number for USADA, leave that one on. Turn your other phone off when you want sleep.

Slowly migrate to the new phone.

Eventually ditch the old one. 

Just tell Dana to knock it off

Stin -

Get another phone number for USADA, leave that one on. Turn your other phone off when you want sleep.

Slowly migrate to the new phone.

Eventually ditch the old one. 

I think this might be simplest.

In the uk you can get a cheap (£10-20) phone pay for 1 'top up' (£5-£10) & give that number to USADA.

It won't help trying to catch the dickhead but at least it'll help with sleep.

We Are All One Mean Species - Will the FBI spend man hours and resources on a prank caller who wants to caress Duffee's chest. It isnt scream terrorist. Just seems like a normal person who just happens to have Duffee's number.

I think we've found your caller

FatBuddha - Pay the $30/month and get a separate USADA phone. Turn the other phone's ringer off. Simple solution that you'd have to be stubborn not to accept. Even if you're not balling, your sleep and peace of mind is worth $30/month.

I don't think he even has to do that. He can pay for a seperate number on the same phone for USDA to call. He can set up his phone so that when someone calls this number, it always rings through despite being on silent or vibrate.

Of course, while the cost may not be the cost of a seperate phone, there is a monthly cost to this solution as well.

Or...he can find this person and offer them up to the UG for us to go after.

Buy a chap prepaid phone for usda and only give them that number keep that on on and turn yours off if all else fails 


Todd Duffee - 
We Are All One Mean Species - I dont know what Duffee was looking for, but I bet he is really disappointed by this thread.

Nothing new.


what I want is a way to track his name and address.  That way I can inform him of his name an address so he stop from fear

The sad part is I live in Silicon Valley but got no hacker tech savvy friends friends. 



Depending on the technology they use, there isn’t a easy or effective way to begin to track them. You’re screwed.

Changing the # won’t work. This nut is fully dedicated to caressing that chest hair. He’ll figure out the new one and start over.

If he is an mma zealot, which is likely, I’ll bet he has an account here. This place is loaded with dipshits and weirdos.

If someone has a pro account they can search for members with Duffee related names or some other superfan title, and also look through Duffee threads for suspicious comments.

If you can somehow post some of these messages it might motivate the UG mob to investigate, or at least post some gifs of Jake Shields with a Sherlock Holmes pipe.