Need help with a stalker

Oh See Mikey -
VladimirPoopin -

Yeah bro, just send an email out to any important business people with your new number change and call it a day.

Although we appreciate your connectivity with the forum and get excited when an actual fighter posts.... coming to this place looking for opinions is a bad idea.

its not the same. And won’t be because the owners don’t care to ban shitheads and put no effort into responding to blue names.

You're so level headed bro. You're explaining it to him like he hasn't been lurking around here and doesn't know what to expect. You're a stud.

haha exactly

What a nerd. 

KneeToFaceKO -

Keep unwanted calls and bay with the new and improved WFA.

Thank you, I need to keep my unwanted calls and bay.

Todd Duffee - 
TheReaper87 - 

I had an ex do this shit to me and it drove me nuts. Honestly I think you’re best bet is just to flat out t ask them what they want, I mean they obviously have issues with you, they may feel wronged by you even if they don’t actually know you. Maybe a 5 minute conversation can make it stop, maybe not. It’s possible they just want to fuck with your head because they’re an asshole, in that case I’d contact whoever you have service through and ask how to block calls that aren’t in your contact list from coming through at least temporarily until you get something figured out to keep from going crazy because believe me I know how stressful it can be when you just want something like that to stop.

I’ve had countless 5 minute convos before I hang up.  Just wants dick picks and to caress my chest.  Knows details about my family which seems to be infuriating as my close friends barely know details about my family.  Especially not the Internet.  So he has really dug.  And probably hacked accounts of mine in the past.  


They arent fucking with my head.  Just my sleep and patience for humanity. 

That sounds like Dana.

Todd, i'll hope you get this stalker shit get resolved, despite the trolls in this topic.

If this is allowed to be deleted Mods please do.

There's got to be a way to answer the call and put him on hold with some elevator music after a message explaining higher than usual call volumes.

Todd Duffee - 

If this is allowed to be deleted Mods please do.

Did you get a resolution?

Best of luck to you.

I would call your cell phone provider and explain what is going on. 

Straydog24 -

75% of the nerds in here didn't read the OP before suggesting options. Lol. Love the UG. 

I'm surprised no one has offered to shadow you 24/7. They could even sleep on a cot next to your bed and answer your phone for you while you get your much needed rest after training. They could bore the shit out of your harasser for hours and hopefully after a few months of bullshit the caller would simply stop. If it's USADA they could gently rub your shoulder, wake you up and hand you the phone. There are tons of dudes in herethat would do it for a little companionship and a roof over their head. Good luck champ!

If this is something that sounds like an option please PM me. ;)

Nice try stalker- if he accepts your offer, I guess that’s phase 1 over with & time to move onto phase 2 (dickk pics & chest rub) 

Gdtrfb3333 -
FatBuddha - Pay the $30/month and get a separate USADA phone. Turn the other phone's ringer off. Simple solution that you'd have to be stubborn not to accept. Even if you're not balling, your sleep and peace of mind is worth $30/month.

This.   I’m no baller either but Jesus 30 bucks a month?   I spend twice that a month just on morning coffee.  Also can’t you just turn on do not disturb on your phone for numbers that aren’t in your contacts?   I know you can on an Ipnone.  

Exactly that.

my friend who is a doctor (is forever complaining how he cannot turn his phone off just in case he gets called in) now that doesn’t annoy him. What annoys him is all his other friends will message at all hrs of the day/ night (he works shifts so guy could be sleeping during day) etc 

i told him u can actually turn phone off or have it on silent BUT it’ll ring if u program certain emergency  numbers (in Todd’s case, not sure if USADA ring on a known number) 

Change your number

I worked as tech support for a cell phone company for 3 years. Are there ways to figure out who it is? Probably, but people that could figure that out are very few and far between. With all due respect to your business contacts and you regarding the matter the absolute best and ideal situation would be to have a business phone and a personal phone. Get a shitty $20 phone from Walmart with a pay as you go plan. Some are only $30 a month with no contracts. You won't need a high speed data for a phone that is being used for business purposes. Change your number all together. That's the absolute only way you can resolve this. If you are unwilling to budge then you will just need to get comfortable with having a dude solicit you for dick pics.

Record the calls and post them here before you block his sorry ass

Suspend your ego and get a new number. You can check voicemail and text messages on the old one until you feel pretty safe that you are not going to lose business.

Stop sending me fake pics and start sending real ones. Then maybe I’ll be satisfied. 

Seriously though, I can’t even imagine the frustration of repeatedly being woke up every night.  Lack of sleep will make a guy go nuts.