Need help with a stalker

Lyoto Bundy -

Todd, it may be a hassle but it could be best to move as much as possible from your current phone (including USADA) to a new one, and only check your old phone every few days to see if anyone but the stalker has tried to get in touch. Maybe even leave a voicemail message on the old phone that says ‘I have no access to the voicemail on this number, please send a text’. 

Either way, I hope you get this figured out, and Kostakio’s above comment about you pissing someone off is just stupid, he probably just wanted to talk some passive-aggressive shit to a heavyweight UFC fighter online, which is why a lot of guys like you stopped coming here. 

God you guys are fucking sensitive. Maybe if fighters can't take a joke they shouldn't come here.

We’ve traced the call, it’s coming from inside the house. Todd, just get out of that house!

Ragingshaneistheanswer -
Lyoto Bundy -

Todd, it may be a hassle but it could be best to move as much as possible from your current phone (including USADA) to a new one, and only check your old phone every few days to see if anyone but the stalker has tried to get in touch. Maybe even leave a voicemail message on the old phone that says ‘I have no access to the voicemail on this number, please send a text’. 

Either way, I hope you get this figured out, and Kostakio’s above comment about you pissing someone off is just stupid, he probably just wanted to talk some passive-aggressive shit to a heavyweight UFC fighter online, which is why a lot of guys like you stopped coming here. 

God you guys are fucking sensitive. Maybe if fighters can't take a joke they shouldn't come here.

They stopped coming here a long time ago because of such things. 

Also who the fuck are you to put rules on does and doesn't come here?

Todd Duffee -
Kostakio - 

Why can't you tell USADA to call a different number (that you don't pay for; like a parent's)? That way they can come wake you up if it's USADA. That's what I would do. In the meantime, be less of a dick to people. It's obvious you fukked with someone first. 

Really?!  You think I fucked with a gay guy and now he is spending countless hours harassing me? Like how you figure I went out of my way to be a dick? You think I was on the phone and I didn’t stop to talk to him? Or you think I was eating and I didn’t stand for a picture? What do you think I did to cause him

obsessing over my ball sack?  Since it’s obvious an all.  

Okay... now, you're being a dick with ME... what's your number again?!! :) <3

But seriously, you HAD to have pissed the dude off at some point. No one goes out of their way to mess with someone this bad unless they are legitimately scorned. I am picturing this person having a schedule/calendar on their refrigerator that outlines the dates and times they're going to prank you. "I'm so tired right now, but I have to stick to my Duffee plan... he"

Btw, if you do somehow get a hold of the guy's name and address, do not threaten with violence. You'll get in trouble. Instead, warn the person that you are not only going to the police, but also will sue him for obstructing your USADA process if you "even so much as get a telemarketing call". That should do the trick. If not, you may need to take a road trip. :P

75% of the nerds in here didn't read the OP before suggesting options. Lol. Love the UG. 

I'm surprised no one has offered to shadow you 24/7. They could even sleep on a cot next to your bed and answer your phone for you while you get your much needed rest after training. They could bore the shit out of your harasser for hours and hopefully after a few months of bullshit the caller would simply stop. If it's USADA they could gently rub your shoulder, wake you up and hand you the phone. There are tons of dudes in herethat would do it for a little companionship and a roof over their head. Good luck champ!

If this is something that sounds like an option please PM me. ;)

Did you stick your dick in crazy, Todd?


Todd Duffee -
Snake_Pliskan - 

Hiya app for smart phones (I have on an Android phone).....refers to a database of known spammers and block them, plus you can manually block numbers yourself once you know it is spam.   Might help if the redialer numbers being used by your harrasser have been previously identified as spam calls.

Thank you for the suggestion.  Didn’t help much.  I tried this a few months ago.  Dude is a professional at this it seems.  

You mean “She” is a professional? 

You said USADA comments on your physique, caller wants to rub your chest. USADA has your number, as does caller. I assume they watch you pee too. Caller could be from USADA, as I believe they heavily consist of fags.

Just change your number, and be thorough about updating business contacts. You’re making it more difficult than it ought.

Ok op. Worse thing u can do according to stalking is to engage the stalker (that’s exactly what they want) I know in theory IF u speak to them/ perhaps that’s all they wanted and will move on

in reality the opposite happens and they want more!!!! Then when u don’t answer anymore it gets even worse lol

also, the stalker is prob right here reading how you intend to block him and has already worked out how to get around it hehe sorry 

FatBuddha - Pay the $30/month and get a separate USADA phone. Turn the other phone's ringer off. Simple solution that you'd have to be stubborn not to accept. Even if you're not balling, your sleep and peace of mind is worth $30/month.

This.   I’m no baller either but Jesus 30 bucks a month?   I spend twice that a month just on morning coffee.  Also can’t you just turn on do not disturb on your phone for numbers that aren’t in your contacts?   I know you can on an Ipnone.  

Im sorry, but the thought of Todd Fn Duffee being terrorized by some gay creep who calls him every single time he is jerking off/horny makes meLOL

If i had to take a wild guess it has to be alistair, that win was bullshit and only because of steroids on his end. God damn can you imagine the beautiful beast of a baby you two can create together?  Fuck me that baby would be born with a six pack.

man_dingo -

Ok op. Worse thing u can do according to stalking is to engage the stalker (that’s exactly what they want) I know in theory IF u speak to them/ perhaps that’s all they wanted and will move on

in reality the opposite happens and they want more!!!! Then when u don’t answer anymore it gets even worse lol

also, the stalker is prob right here reading how you intend to block him and has already worked out how to get around it hehe sorry 

We found the stalker!!

This thread gets me pretty horny. In a homosexual way. 

Yeah bro, just send an email out to any important business people with your new number change and call it a day.

Although we appreciate your connectivity with the forum and get excited when an actual fighter posts.... coming to this place looking for opinions is a bad idea.

its not the same. And won’t be because the owners don’t care to ban shitheads and put no effort into responding to blue names.

VladimirPoopin -

Yeah bro, just send an email out to any important business people with your new number change and call it a day.

Although we appreciate your connectivity with the forum and get excited when an actual fighter posts.... coming to this place looking for opinions is a bad idea.

its not the same. And won’t be because the owners don’t care to ban shitheads and put no effort into responding to blue names.

You're so level headed bro. You're explaining it to him like he hasn't been lurking around here and doesn't know what to expect. You're a stud.

This was happening to me many years ago from a withheld number.

one night the person must have been drunk as they forgot to withhold the number.

My mate worked at a call center for a major cell provider and gave me the name and address of the caller.

after about 2 years of nuisance calls it was magical to know this info. the next time he called I greeted him by name I didn’t hear from him again but he heard from me his house is no longer inhabitable.

Thread title should be “Which Og’er is this”