Need some help here people!!

I am not bragging I genuinely trying to see if I am where I should be strength wise. I weigh 163lbs and fight at 145. I bench 225, deadlift 405, and squat 415. Is that about right for someone my size? Phone Post

 I don't know what kind of weight most pro featherweights are moving but your weights sound pretty respectable to me for a fighter in your weight class.  I weigh around 175-180 (don't fight) and your squat and deadlift are stronger than mine.

Jacks Wasted Life -  I don't know what kind of weight most pro featherweights are moving but your weights sound pretty respectable to me for a fighter in your weight class.  I weigh around 175-180 (don't fight) and your squat and deadlift are stronger than mine.

Cool, thanks for the input man. Everyone I roll with or train with a bigger than me. My weight lifting partner is doin a strongman event tomorrow. He benches 415lbs for five sets of five. So it's not like I can compare to him. Phone Post

Depends on your body type, height, length of time lifting. I'd move to more 'full body' type stuff, work in burst stuff, tire flipping, pushing weight up hill, road bike riding on hills to improve your cardio and burst cardio. Keep a maintenance routine of lifting.

Look at what Top Team is doing or did back in 2005-ish. Pushing a sledge, jumping on a treadmill at the highest slope and then running back to the start and pulling or pushing the sledge. Lighter weights in a long super set (like what Randy was doing) ISTM to be better for you for fighting.

Raw poundages are not that helpful, because we don't know your form. Are you cheating the hell out of your bench, squatting only 1/2 full ATG? Post a video of your form if you want more specific help, man.


leftlegtrumpcard - I am not bragging I genuinely trying to see if I am where I should be strength wise. I weigh 163lbs and fight at 145. I bench 225, deadlift 405, and squat 415. Is that about right for someone my size? <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

That's well above average for someone of your weight. Those are respectable poundages even for someone 30 lbs heavier than you. That being said those are also bodybuilding exercises and they don't always directly equate to performance in the gym. As a matter of fact of all the supplementary lifting and running and pushing exercises athletes train, they don't add up to shit if you're not putting real time on the mats, full gear with takedowns sparring 5 minute rounds till you want to die. Nothing can duplicate that.

how the fuck are the bench, squat and deadlift "bodybuilding exercises"?

rvboy -
leftlegtrumpcard - I am not bragging I genuinely trying to see if I am where I should be strength wise. I weigh 163lbs and fight at 145. I bench 225, deadlift 405, and squat 415. Is that about right for someone my size? <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

That's well above average for someone of your weight. Those are respectable poundages even for someone 30 lbs heavier than you. That being said those are also bodybuilding exercises and they don't always directly equate to performance in the gym. As a matter of fact of all the supplementary lifting and running and pushing exercises athletes train, they don't add up to shit if you're not putting real time on the mats, full gear with takedowns sparring 5 minute rounds till you want to die. Nothing can duplicate that.

I still train kickboxing and jits twice a week, I also have a four hundred fifty pound tire that I flip, farmers walk, stones, and sledge hammers. I was told and have read that the compound movents produce better results. After doing the heavier sets I drop the weight to fifty percent of max throw on chains and do explosive reps. Usually five sets of six. Phone Post

Chocolate Shatner - how the fuck are the bench, squat and deadlift "bodybuilding exercises"?


Solid numbers for a fighter.  As mentioned above though, posting vids to show technique and depth would be good.  If those numbers are legit (no wraps, no gear, ass on the bench, no bouncing off your chest, full depth) then strength wont be your weakness.  As mentioned above, maintain that strength and push the skill and conditioning portion of your training. 

Chocolate Shatner - how the fuck are the bench, squat and deadlift "bodybuilding exercises"?

Hmm dunno Ronnie Coleman does them and he's a bodybuilder. Does that make sense? They're certainly not Olympic lifts. Or maybe they are?

paw - 
Chocolate Shatner - how the fuck are the bench, squat and deadlift "bodybuilding exercises"?


How about not this.

rvboy - 
Chocolate Shatner - how the fuck are the bench, squat and deadlift "bodybuilding exercises"?

Hmm dunno Ronnie Coleman does them and he's a bodybuilder. Does that make sense? They're certainly not Olympic lifts. Or maybe they are?

There's this new sport called powerlifting, ever heard of it?


Thanks for the input cardio is worked three times a week..strength three times, and boxing and jits twice a week. I appreciate the input Phone Post