need to fit my mouthguard

 i know their is a training forum but nobody views that. i got a shockdoctor a few months back and i lost the directions on how to fit it to my mouth. all the other guards i've had before were custom so i just sent an impression of my mouth to them so they can make it the right size. i know you boil it but can anybody explain the whole process. thanx.


 google has the instructions

Gel Max Mouthguard

Heavy-duty rubber Exoskeletal Shock Frame and Gel-Fit Liner provide maximum protection, fit and comfort in an easy to fit triple-layer design. Breathing Channel allows for easy breathing while clenched. Quick-Release Helmet Tether (strap model).

Mouthguard Fit Instructions>

 thanx bro, i pretty much knew what to do, but i wasn't sure if you can repeat the process if you screw up the first time.


 Why did you go back to a boil and bite after using a custom one?

Just curious.

ITweakRashad'sNips -  Why did you go back to a boil and bite after using a custom one?

Just curious.

 i have a small mouth and one of the most screwed up biting structures ever and the 3 custom guards i have had never really fit perfect for that reason even after numerous send backs. so i figured i would try to get the perfect fit using a boil and bite because i thought i could make a perfect fit if i do it myself. well the best boil and bite guards are Shockguard and are pretty small so is good for small mouths.

after trying to fit this guard for the past 2 hours i came to the conclusion that my mouth and teeth are fucked up and i dont think i will ever find a guard to fit. i have a bite structure to where my front teeth don't touch when i bite, my back teeth touch first and grind on eachother while im sleeping or everytime i bite. i sometimes wake up with little pieces of my back teeth in my mouth.

so when i close my mouth with my guard in my back teeth touch first and loosen the guard. it sucks and i have been trying to peel down the guard for 2 hours to fit and no luck.

i fuckin give up.


You should get a mouthguard to wear at night if your teeth are grinding. Apparently mine were doing this and I never realized the extent of the damage that I was causing to my jaw. Seeing a doctor about your jaw is expensive because insurance tends not to pay a whole lot for those type of problems.

misterw - You should get a mouthguard to wear at night if your teeth are grinding. Apparently mine were doing this and I never realized the extent of the damage that I was causing to my jaw.

I used to wake up with the occasional headache from that shit

misterw - You should get a mouthguard to wear at night if your teeth are grinding. Apparently mine were doing this and I never realized the extent of the damage that I was causing to my jaw. Seeing a doctor about your jaw is expensive because insurance tends not to pay a whole lot for those type of problems.

 thanx i will try that and yelp that's the problem, my insurance don't cover the specialist i need for this and your right about the damage to your jaw it can cause because i developed nasty jaw problems due to this. i have severe TMJ and find my self playing with my jaw all day and i have to crack my jaw every 15 minutes to relieve the pain and discomfort. it fuckin sucks.

Tame Dog -  Go to the dentist and have them make you one.  It cost me ~$50

 that's what i'm gonna do tomorrow.

 Throw it in the garbage and get a Gladiator Mouthguard...

Trust me!

 PS- Gladiator sends you TWO impression kits for free, dont waste your time spending money at the dentist for an impression...

TOWE -  Throw it in the garbage and get a Gladiator Mouthguard...

Trust me!

 it's already in the trash and i looked at the ones from Gladiator and they look huge for my little mouth. i hear they are awesome though just pretty big.

TOWE -  PS- Gladiator sends you TWO impression kits for free, dont waste your time spending money at the dentist for an impression...

 good looking out bro, but aint they pretty big.

From a dental standpoint, you have what is called an 'anterior open bite'. It can be one of the most damaging occlusal (or bite) scenarios, because your anterior teeth tend to be more sensitive to clenching & grinding and cause your 'bite' muscles to back off when the nerves in your periodontal ligament sense too heavy a load. If you don't have any anterior contact, you are more likely to clench & grind more aggressively due to the ability for the posterior teeth to bear such a load without great discomfort. Although the discomfort may not be tremendous, the subsequent damage to your teeth can be.

What you need is an occlusal orthotic; it does what a 'nightguard' or 'mouthguard' does, but goes a step further because it re-aligns your jaw muscles to an ideal position. Obviously, your teeth aren't in an ideal position (from a neuromuscular standpoint) if you are bruxing at night. Shoot me an e-mail and I can point you in the right direction with regard to dentists in your area that may be able to treat your problem--not every dentist is trained in this type of therapy.

The same dentist that builds your orthotic will be able to make a counterpart mouthpiece that you can wear during training & competition.

No matter what you do, don't wear an over-the-counter device as a protective measure at will likely grind even more aggressively with a soft, compliant appliance and may actually damage your TM joints.

 wow thanx dentalninja, i will message you because this is getting out of hand. i just have a question for you, does this lead to teeth falling out and decaying because i take care of my teeth more than anyone i know, but my teeth are getting very bad quick and i cant understand why.

 dentalninja, i also have severe TMJ because of this.

macman1000 - 
TOWE -  PS- Gladiator sends you TWO impression kits for free, dont waste your time spending money at the dentist for an impression...

 good looking out bro, but aint they pretty big.

No not at all, and trust me I've had my fair share of dental problems (teeth knocked out multiple times, implants, etc).  Go with them, you will be happy you did...


 ok thanx Towe.