"Never Back Down" ?

Honestly, I wouldn't see this movie in the theater if it were free. I have better things to do w/ my time.

Like pick fights on the interwebs

I think I will see the movie in a free torrent download.  No way I am paying for it.

Att: Deuce77:


lol and me too!

lol this looks GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! no really!!!

"haha.. bas w/ a reality kings shirt.. "




Boiling Point: Grow Up, Hollywood

Posted on March 11, 2008

by Robert Fure


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Never Back DownTime for your weekly dose of rage.

Now, coming out later in the week we have the first real front runner for an Academy Award this year - Never Back Down. This film stars a whole bunch of young, good looking kids with low body fat percentages slapping the shit out of each other for fun and profit. It looks like the movie you’d get if you combined Step Up with the UFC. But it looks more to me like the perfect example of ageism in Hollywood. You’ll notice from the trailer that all these brawlers are baby faced. The actors playing them are about 25, but they’re all playing High School Students.

An underground secret illegal competitive mixed martial arts ring at a High School. Right. That seems about as plausible as me waking up tomorrow with the ability shoot a 3D representation of my name out of my dick. Yes, high school kids do stupid things and get into fights, but where the fuck is there a secret underground MMA center? I’ve got expendable cash to bet!

My rant is slowly coming around to Hollywood’s fucking insistence on always casting younger looking actors. They want to get teens to come see these films so they feel they have to cast teens (or teen look-a-likes) even in the most ridiculous situations, and often with poor results. I’m not really buying these high schoolers as hardcore MMA fighters. I’d much rather see something a touch bit more realistic. This film clearly is going to throw some props at Fight Club, which cast some older gentlemen playing older gentlemen. And it’s taken a firm hold and has a great audience. 300, which no doubt serves as the reason why many films about shirtless dudes are now hitting the screens, cast age appropriate warriors, too. If anything, 300 should have had younger men - the average lifespan back then was much less, so the average age of a soldier was lower. But it made sense to us to see these 30 year olds rockin’ out with spears.

Basically every horror movie ever always ends up with some high school aged people in some stupid situation. Now, I love horror movies, but if you want to throw a wrench at convention, simple make the victims older. Final Destination 2, part of a successful trilogy (soon to be quadrilogy) had a slightly older generation. Harrison Ford is about to blow up the spot in Indiana Jones once more, proving that the older guys still have that fire. Of course, Jones will have youngster LeBouf in it, which was probably added not solely because “Hey, Indy should have a son” but more as “Hey, we need to connect with a younger audience.”

Well fuck you, Hollywood. I’m a young male, in your target demographic. I saw 300 in theaters, and all sorts of action movies. What I don’t see in theaters is teeny-boppers playing grown ups. I don’t need to relate to some young guy. I can relate to any character, of any age. Well, if it’s Wilford Brimley complaining about his back, maybe not. But there have been tons of monumental failures because of age (well, age + bad stories). How about American Outlaws starring a bunch of baby faces? Compare to the age appropriate, for their characters, Young Guns or the older guys of Tombstone.

Going with a younger actor for the sole reason of wanting young people to connect is stupid, and I’m tired of that shit. If the character is good, pick the person who can play him best. Don’t try to play some mind games, I’m not looking in a mirror and I know it! Hey, Bryan Singer - Fuck you. Brandon Routh - Fuck you, too. Cast a young-ass looking emo soap star Superman. BAH. Maybe you don’t care. Hollywood doesn’t. Cast some good, older actors! Make choices based on talent! Maybe it’s just me that’s tired of this blatant ageism that doesn’t even make sense, but it’s my fucking column and I’m past my 18-25 year old male Boiling Point!

"Karate Kid meets Fight Club... pffft."

i will never understand why people try to dis a movie by saying that its just a combination of two awesome older movies.

it doesn't make sense!

Fight Club= Good Film
The Karate Kid= Elizabeth Shue=AWESOME!

NBD might be cool but it will never attain Karate Kid Status.

the only good thing about the promos is the papa roach song on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!