New BJJ club in Regina!!

Regina's newest BJJ club, Yudan BJJ,  had its first open door class lastnight. Things went very well. LOTS of old familiar faces from the Regina BJJ scene and lots of new faces as well.

The school is being headed by Brazillian Jiu Jitsu Blackbelt, Chris Desautels. We expect this club will do very well and hope that it will become a prominent member of the Regina BJJ community.

I will be posting more info in the days to come.

Classes are held at Spirit of the Dragon @ 1210 Lorne St in Regina.
Call 565-2266 or email Chris at


Ya Yudan Jiu Jitsu!

im wondering if little wang/kang will make an apperance.

John Nic - im wondering if little wang/kang will make an apperance.

anything is possible..... I might come out saturday after muay thai to visit

 First class was good. Lots of people just getting back into it and lots of newbies so Chris is kind of starting over from scratch with everyone. But its good structure and organization and a lot of fun. Hope that anyone in the area comes to check it out.

Again, i will post more info as soon as i figure out how to upload the flyers and everything.

Sean Quinn -  First class was good. Lots of people just getting back into it and lots of newbies so Chris is kind of starting over from scratch with everyone. But its good structure and organization and a lot of fun. Hope that anyone in the area comes to check it out.

Again, i will post more info as soon as i figure out how to upload the flyers and everything.

Dammit! your class starts next week right?

Congrats-all the best Chris and Yudan BJJ.



If anyone needs Quinn's cell phone number, let me know.

Congrats Chris !! Regina is a lucky for BJJ. 3 great clubs to choose from (All run by BJJ Blackbelts).

 If anyone crazy psycho bitches in the Winnipeg area want Joe's cell number, just let me know.

people people, let's give out greener's number!

My apologies, Jonathan. You are correct, of course.

Damn you Jonathan!

LittleKang - people people, let's give out greener's number!

SonOvABitch. How did I get pulled into this!

Congrats Chris! I look forward to the new training again. My ass doesn't fit in my work pants anymore. Need some exercise.

 See ya soon Greener.

Guilty by association Greener. You know Tink, thus you are a questionable person lol


see you saturday tink

Where the heck have I been? The gang's all here on this thread!

Hey guys!!