New Season of Bully... Think it'll be awesome?

The show looks fake, and MayheMs annoying as all hell.

I know Millers a tough kid, but whenever he confronts the "Bully" with the deal, he looks like he's about to cry..

I think I'll be sick that


 Great show...

I love watching bullies get creamed

I like the show scripted or not....its entertaining.


lol the best episode was the big weight lifting russian who whooped up and made 10,000 bucks.


no, its just a lame staged american tv show, like countless others.

RyPuhnie - lol the best episode was the big weight lifting russian who whooped up and made 10,000 bucks.


lol seriously!?? Who did he fight?

Of course the show is scripted! Come on people! Seriously?

And yes I will watch, just like I watch every other stupid reality show, I am addicted to that crap!

Hey Mayhem....

See if MTV will put you in a new show called "keyboard warrior whoop-ass".

I think you can figure out the premise.

phix - Hey Mayhem....

See if MTV will put you in a new show called "keyboard warrior whoop-ass".

I think you can figure out the premise.


...............oh, and i'd really hate to be the bully that has to fight Alvarez

 i feel sorry for the man who was sentenced to Alvarez...that could get nasty.

  *snap... what he said ^

hopefully this season will provide plenty more of mayhem's "get hype" moments.

and how's the relationship between you and shields? i've heard a rumor that you two may be going at it?

whoop his ass, bud

I'm going to be straight with you. And by straight, I mean super gay. But in a straight way. As in, I'm being honest about how gay this show makes me for MayheM.

So there you have it.


Which, incidentally, is the name of a gay bar very near my house.

Regardless, I support this show.

 If they called it Actor Beatdown, and just beat up actors, not the "bullies" but little precocious Shia La Bouef dickheads, I would watch the shit out of that. 

slides rbl a Zima

Maybe they could find Datsik bullying somebody.

I like it, one thing is for sure, all the women at my office love it! Im sure it will get good ratings

Datsik as Arlovski's bully would be legendary

Once again, I'm going to be straight with TMZ-Noobs, as much as I hate to be straight with anyone. You see, Datsik knocked out Arlovski. I KNOW! Improbable? It's irrelevant. It actually HAPPENED.