New to UG

"I am Amercian"

what????!!! so you are coming from AMERCI? is it from Africa? i knew that you were a stranger with your bad spelling.....

No i will fight im Irish bitch and will fight the big bitch but no one fights for me but if u think u will rape people i will make sure he puts a bullet in your ass.Didnt know the essay was beening watch for spelling errors sorry

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The kid is 32 and trains at Walt Lysak and ludlow mass come get some then

juju isn't too be fucked with.

he has flown out to fight more than one person, so yo uwouldn't be the first.

I have no fear and i can bet you all thoght i was young but no im not so who is first

This is not for juju this is for everyone else talking shit now.And let me no i will have u pick up at Airport

give me all your information....if you let me sleep in your bed (with you) after I beat you, i will be glad to come......

"This is not for juju this is for everyone else talking shit now.And let me no i will have u pick up at Airport"

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LOlsoif u win u sleepwith me but if i win u sleepwith my mom

"This is not for juju this is for everyone else talking shit now.And let me no i will have u pick up at Airport "

why not me? I am never invited at the good ASS parties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What i love is bandwagon jumpers all pussy to jump on big guys side so what if im new all of u suck.JUJU dont think im scared just not what i was trying to do i dont care if your mad or arouse get a girl or go fuck yourself just get off highhorse thats all you are new and as a new guy you can make mistake, i accept your appologie.

ps : do not call me JUJU...only my friend call me like that. Call me Captain JUJUBRE

Ok people lets just say that this is some funny shit juju u r invited to dont be disappointed but me and u have pro why is everyone else talking shit then because they know there hero has stepped up and now all those pussy sit back and write shit got to love that

Yes i am new and sorry for mistake Cap JUJU anyways sounds like someone i could hang with in streets hate punk bitches

I'll buy a punctuation mark for $300 Pat.

I made the same mistake as you with my first post on the UG and internet legend Machine May took insult to it and then came over and cornholed my dog.

JUJU posted the video on his blog and I was humiliated.

These people take shit the wrong way but like i said i not afraid of anyone.But maybe it was my fault this time so sorry that i made a mistake.

I didn't think anyone could butcher the English language more than juju..... the "Kid" may have "Skills", but typing isn't one of them.

Jesus, at least juju pretends to be French when he assfucks his presentations of dictionary content.....

Welcome to the UG, Now STFU ASSBAG