New UFC belt design

PelosiesPanties -

It's ok AFTER you look at all the details but at face value its nothing special at all! Should have contracted a Japanese company to design it.


It looks much more prestigious than the current design. It has depth and weight to it. Exactly what a champion belt should have. The shape of it matches the octagon. 

The people complaining about it just don't like the shape but it objectively makes sense.

HighFreq - 

Does PTSandman still post here?  Has he commeneted on the new belt?  If he sees this can he start a new thread with his comments on the new belt design.

I was just thinking the same thing Wonder what he thinks


"A champion may have more than one belt only if he/she holds titles in more than one weightclass". No more handing out a new belt everytime a title is defended? 

So when for example a champ defends, they have to bring their old belt to get upgraded/engraved.

I think if a challenger wins they just have blank belts ready to go for never before champs and double champs. Wouldn’t make sense to customize for each event.

Bet DJ/GSP wants back in to get those red stones.

A new belt design will re-ignite the drive for fighters to become champions. 

oranos -

A new belt design will re-ignite the drive for fighters to become champions. 

More like zero incentive to defend it since you nolonger get a belt for every successful title defense!

I don’t like it at all. 

And putting a ruby in it after every successful title defense is a good idea in theory, but what champion is going to win a fight and then want to give up the belt so It can go to a jeweler just to get a red stone put in?

The logitistics are just dumb. 

Mutant -

After all the hype that's a pretty bland belt.

SEG belts 4 life!  

Also it looks like a champ only gets one belt per division. So a 10 time defending champ will only get 1 belt. Every title fight should be for a new belt! 

I’ve never understood that and find it stupid to be honest.

A true belt would be a one off that is passed on to the next winner, so having one belt to keep is more than enough.

Never understood why someone should get a new belt for every single title defense.

3fie -

I like the new belt but Dana appears embarrassed by it.

Holy fuck those look cheap as shit. Haha, UFC saving money any way they can I see.

Are the current champs getting one immediately or will they have to wait for their next title defense?

notsobigmike -
TFK_2nolatch4 -

I don’t like it at all. 

And putting a ruby in it after every successful title defense is a good idea in theory, but what champion is going to win a fight and then want to give up the belt so It can go to a jeweler just to get a red stone put in?

The logitistics are just dumb. 

I don't know that many people would have that big of a problem with it.

You hang on to it for the first week or so, doing public apearances and the like, then you ship it off for a week or two to get the ruby added.  It's not like you're wearing it every day.  Most of these guys end up putting them in displays or frames or something anyway; it's not all that different.

But it’s a hassle.  

Do you want to be sending your belt out after your win?   Figuring out when and where to send it?  And then waiting on it to come back in the mail?  

The concept is alright but the execution is going to be a huge pain in the ass, especially for those outside of the US. 

I expected more.

I’m not impressed with your performance.

Steven McTowelie -
Mutant -

After all the hype that's a pretty bland belt.

SEG belts 4 life!  

Also it looks like a champ only gets one belt per division. So a 10 time defending champ will only get 1 belt. Every title fight should be for a new belt! 

I’ve never understood that and find it stupid to be honest.

A true belt would be a one off that is passed on to the next winner, so having one belt to keep is more than enough.

Never understood why someone should get a new belt for every single title defense.

Why every title fight is a new and the champ goes in without the belt. The belt is then awarded to the winner. It's just cheap on the ufcs part to only give a champion one belt  They might as well make them give their belt to the new champ when they lose so the ufc will only ever need one cheap belt per division. 

I dig it 

There is some nice touches with the name and flag but the actual design just isn't that nice in the way some other belts even pro wrestling belts look.

I guess those rubies must be cheaper than handing out new belts it just could be better.

it’s like WWE style

I thought the OP picture looked pretty good, but then seeing Dana holding it I don't like it.

It's actually kinda uncomfortable to look at with the layered Octagon rows. I don't know if the glare coming off the belt is contributing to it in the pic but yah...they really went a bit overboard with the whole Octagon theme.

Looks like a fake WWE belt. The original belt was perfect, why change it?