New UFC belt design

Mutant -
oranos -

A new belt design will re-ignite the drive for fighters to become champions. 

More like zero incentive to defend it since you nolonger get a belt for every successful title defense!

Uh what? Where did you get that from?

Ever since they went to the cheaper championship belts you would think that they could give the winner of a title fight a belt EACH time they won or defended.

This newer belt is interesting but it looks, well, blah.

The idea of getting a new stone from white to red for each defence or win is interesting.

They may be able to get away with doing that for title defences for champs instead of giving a belt. That might be cool.

Otherwise the new belt is as cringy as when they made the UFC hot dog stamp.

Target_the_Gash -
Dougie - Ever since they went to the cheaper championship belts you would think that they could give the winner of a title fight a belt EACH time they won or defended.

This newer belt is interesting but it looks, well, blah.

The idea of getting a new stone from white to red for each defence or win is interesting.

They may be able to get away with doing that for title defences for champs instead of giving a belt. That might be cool.

Otherwise the new belt is as cringy as when they made the UFC hot dog stamp.

Yeah if each new stone is a real ruby then that is at least something, although a high grade large diamond can cost much more than a high grade large ruby ($1k-$40k for diamond, $3k-$4k for ruby (est. by google)).

If they are lab created stones than the whole thing is a sad dollar store joke.

Who’s going to get close enough to a belt to actually verify if it’s real or not. They can claim the belt has 100 carats worth of diamonds.

I think the reason people are so mad at these new belts is just because we are so used to the old ones. It’d be cool if they gave you championship rings to go with your belt like in all the 4 major sports instead of putting a jewel on it

I wasn't sure about it from the front on pics that I'd seen so far, but seeing it at the weigh ins from angles it does look stunning, just have a look at this screenshot I took.

Looks like shit... thanks ESPN 

It looks like if I grab it and turn it clockwise, it’ll expand into a mechanical dinosaur.

3fie - 

Holy hell that belt looks like trash.

The straps look good but that center is god awful.

They should make it so the UFC is on a spinner, WWE style. That would look rad.

Looks awesome imo 

The same guy who designed this belt has been designing the last 5 years worth of event posters.   

It sucks.

Its meh ok

It looks grotesque and laughably cliche. The flags are lame. I don't want a Brazilian flag on my shit if I'm an American. The rubys. Ahaha! Some jeweler convinced Dana that was a good idea. Very lady like. They're not going to be fighting for belts but rubies. Ahahaha. Lameee!!!

Remember the UFC 200 yellow canvas? Putrid looking and embarrassing. Dana and UFC management goons have AWFUL asthetic taste. Yeesh! 

I like it 

It is not very impressive at first glance. They dropped the ball. They should have made a handful of designs and let the people or the fighter vote. 

It's too small. Gonna look like a toy when the bigger guys put it around their waists.

it's pretty cool all zoomed in.  but from a distance looks like shit.

The new belt is the equivalent of an Ed Hardy fanny pack. Hilariously laughable. Jersey Shore style belt! 

TFK_2nolatch4 -

I don’t like it at all. 

And putting a ruby in it after every successful title defense is a good idea in theory, but what champion is going to win a fight and then want to give up the belt so It can go to a jeweler just to get a red stone put in?

The logitistics are just dumb. 

Maybe they trade with their upgraded versions after the win or a announced or some shit?

Fold me like one of your lawn chairs -
TFK_2nolatch4 -

I don’t like it at all. 

And putting a ruby in it after every successful title defense is a good idea in theory, but what champion is going to win a fight and then want to give up the belt so It can go to a jeweler just to get a red stone put in?

The logitistics are just dumb. 

Maybe they trade with their upgraded versions after the win or a announced or some shit?

I mean live, like getting a new martial art belt upgrade for example.