New UFC belt design

It’s an MMA tradition for fighters to take pics with all their defense belts hanging off them.

Sad that won’t be a thing now.

The details are there, but pretty meaningless for most fans. All of the notes for explanation are a bit much.

What seems ridiculous to me is that they do not want to give a new belt to the defending champ each time he/she defends. Instead they just change the color of a small stone from clear to red in order to indicate a defense. This cheapens the whole thing.

A new belt should be awarded with each defense.

Nothing like a champ having a slew of belts to indicate dominance. The pictures of past champs with multiple belts were epic. I am thinking Mighty Mouse in particular. He had to beg for the UFC to give them to him, but the photo was worth the wait.

Jones right nostril - Well they downgraded. Problem to me is that it just doesn't look very prestigious. It looks more like a toy.

I actually really like the Bellator belts.

I think it’s nice. I never put much stock into how the belt looked anyways, off the top of my head I couldn’t even tell you how the old one looked without seeing it. 

I think it’s a move that makes the belts look a little more professional instead of just a giant belt that looks bedazzled with gold gems. 

Plus with all the stuff they added it’s clearly better for the fighters and I’ll bet most of them like it. 

Mutant -
Steven McTowelie -
Mutant -

After all the hype that's a pretty bland belt.

SEG belts 4 life!  

Also it looks like a champ only gets one belt per division. So a 10 time defending champ will only get 1 belt. Every title fight should be for a new belt! 

I’ve never understood that and find it stupid to be honest.

A true belt would be a one off that is passed on to the next winner, so having one belt to keep is more than enough.

Never understood why someone should get a new belt for every single title defense.

Why every title fight is a new and the champ goes in without the belt. The belt is then awarded to the winner. It's just cheap on the ufcs part to only give a champion one belt  They might as well make them give their belt to the new champ when they lose so the ufc will only ever need one cheap belt per division. 

No. The champ always has the belt.

In an ideal world there would be one belt. Want to keep it? Keep winning. There’s your motivation. Lose a defence, belt goes to the new champ.

One belt as a souvenir I can get; one every defense is just dumb.

UFC & WWE cant design belts for shit 

edward nigma -

UFC & WWE cant design belts for shit 

WWE belts from the 90's were GOAT.


Had to make this once I saw the new UFC belt. ??????

If you’re going to post this please tag the person who made it. It was me. #IMadeThis #PowerRangers

— JustBleedMMA (@JustBleedMMA) January 19, 2019

Zordon was never my friend  -Dana

Looks like a lame ass toy from the Marvel Iron Man collection.

F-ing stupid. So sick of f-ing comic book movies…it’s soo messed up how it’s seeping into everything!

We are fucked as a country…help us superman.

I like it! You can barely make anything out on the current belts like they just stuck a blob of gold on there. The new belts are much more defined.

Who really cares what the belt looks like?

Looks Fuckin Gay

It looks like a fake WWE toy.   I like the original.  Baby steps Dana, baby steps.

MM8 -

Who really cares what the belt looks like?

Well... I’d say as a start... the 6,500 people that clicked on this thread? 

I heard it was made with old shinny Canadian pennies.  Not in circulation any longer and Dana got a great deal on them.

Vegito Blue -

Twitter is roasting it. I like it honestly 

Looks pretty cool

I think it looks alright. 

From the pic of dana white holding it, it seems kind of small. 

Pretty cheesy though that it has a bunch of fake diamonds and ruby's... seems a championship belt should be a bit more prestigious then that. 

looks like its made out of brass, not gold. lol

Seriously, what's the deal with all diamonds and shit? looks gay

Erik_in_559 -

I think it looks alright. 

From the pic of dana white holding it, it seems kind of small. 

Pretty cheesy though that it has a bunch of fake diamonds and ruby's... seems a championship belt should be a bit more prestigious then that. 

Literally the original belt is just a giant leather belt that is almost completely covered in gold gems with “UFC” in the middle. The new belt is wayyyyyy better.!