new UFC theme tune!

Incidentally I just typed 'Hans Zimmer is overrated' into google and the consensus opinion seems to be that he is super overrated! Mind blown!

There are even facebook and groups dedicated solely to calling him overrated. Maybe I should join!

DamnSevern - 
Dr Violence - Lots of detailed info about the new opening here:

and here:

It is directed by Neil Huxley who directed the opening credits sequence of Watchmen! That's promising.

 wow good info, thanks

watchmen intro -

<br type="_moz" />

Damn you should post those links up in a new thread, no one hardly looks at my mud threads

If you did not know who Hans Zimmer was then you clearly don't know much about movie music and you have no right to sound informed on the subject in the least lol. Anyone who knows anything about movie music knows who Hans Zimmer is.

Fantastic! If true... Phone Post

thedudebro - 
Dr Violence - Incidentally I just typed 'Hans Zimmer is overrated' into google and the consensus opinion seems to be that he is super overrated! Mind blown!

There are even facebook and groups dedicated solely to calling him overrated. Maybe I should join!

Dude, how could you feel Gladiator was NOT a good movie?

I am not gonna sit here, compare and contrast.

But come on...

You have to understand how excited I was for that movie, I was literally in love with it before going to see it, based off this one still image of the gladiator fighting a tiger.

Then when I saw it it was just typical stupid meathead Russell Crowe versus the cliche faggoty bad guy, crap fights and stupid Russell Crowe blubbering snot everywhere and making me laugh unintentionally in a tragic scene, etc

I just don't remember being taken by the story at all, it's just, Russell Crowe is just a badass, that's about it as far as character development

Also I feel that Ridley Scott is not very good at directing action sequences but that's a whole different can of worms

Is it indeed time to end this suffering??? Phone Post

Idgetmyasskicked - If you did not know who Hans Zimmer was then you clearly don't know much about movie music and you have no right to sound informed on the subject in the least lol. Anyone who knows anything about movie music knows who Hans Zimmer is.

Yeah sure. I'm sure my teenage niece thinks I don't know anything about pop music because I don't listen the crap she listens to.

I know about GOOD movie music. I'm not a Hollywood shit-muncher.

Dr Violence - 
thedudebro - 
Dr Violence - Incidentally I just typed 'Hans Zimmer is overrated' into google and the consensus opinion seems to be that he is super overrated! Mind blown!

There are even facebook and groups dedicated solely to calling him overrated. Maybe I should join!

Dude, how could you feel Gladiator was NOT a good movie?

I am not gonna sit here, compare and contrast.

But come on...

You have to understand how excited I was for that movie, I was literally in love with it before going to see it, based off this one still image of the gladiator fighting a tiger.

Then when I saw it it was just typical stupid meathead Russell Crowe versus the cliche faggoty bad guy, crap fights and stupid Russell Crowe blubbering snot everywhere and making me laugh unintentionally in a tragic scene, etc

I just don't remember being taken by the story at all, it's just, Russell Crowe is just a badass, that's about it as far as character development

Also I feel that Ridley Scott is not very good at directing action sequences but that's a whole different can of worms

Bahaha - Gladiator has some of the best character development of any action/drama movie in the past 15 years. Were you high as a kite when you watched it because it seems that way.

Hanz Zimmer's score for Inception is incredible and hopefully he crafted something as impactful as that for the UFC. Most of the fools in this thread have never even listened to any of the soundtracks that he has penned.

'Bahaha - Gladiator has some of the best character development of any action/drama movie in the past 15 years. Were you high as a kite when you watched it because it seems that way.'

Bullshit, what's an 'action/drama' movie by the way? Is it a movie where there try to do a bit of drama but it's crap, so they cover it up with action? Because if that's right then I agree, Gladiator is one of the finest examples of that genre! In the last 15 years!

god damn it Cbass

ok I take back everything I said about gladiator and hans zimmer music, it was just my opinion and opinions vary

Dr Violence don't worry I don't take your criticism to heart but please do enlighten us on what films are actually good and who are actually good film composers.

On a related note I'd imagine that for every remotely famous person there is a 'anti' Facebook group for each lol

Calavaro - 
ShaqNoob -  Requiem for a Dream soundtracks were great.
Too bad Hans Zimmer didn't compose that one...

I had a feeling I was wrong, but didn't bother wiki-ing it. My badness.

Brian Rule - Dr Violence don't worry I don't take your criticism to heart but please do enlighten us on what films are actually good and who are actually good film composers.

On a related note I'd imagine that for every remotely famous person there is a 'anti' Facebook group for each lol

I'm honestly not trying to say they aren't good, just that they aren't films I love personally so I consider them overrated by others

A film that I do love, with an amazing score? Leon! Feel free to shit on Leon everyone I don't mind

I think if it's somewhat like that contender theme but with a bit more energy that could be decent. At the end of the day we're getting real cinematic music and no more nu metal, emphasizing the epic heroics over the blood and gore, which I think is good

^lol at sn

edit: kaboom he vanished hahahaha

OP likes Harry Potter and The English Patient.

Willin likes Gigli and Waiting to Exhale

Well dude you just admitted to watching and liking Harry Potter so I don't even need to do you

I did mention a film already, Leon

also I totally would fap to that film Crossroads, I would fap to just the cover, I've got a good imagination for that sort of thing

Hans Zimmer has some great scores.

Lion King, BROKEN ARROW (fuck yeah), pirates of the carribean (I think), and a bunch more smash hits.

I'm excited for this. Phone Post