New Years BJJ resolutions

Develop my own guard or guard game!

Get my Brown Belt!

Get Certified as a Personal Trainer! Possibly Crossfit as well!

Get more into Yoga practice!

1) To get my cardio and overall strength twice as good as it is now.

2) Train striking/MMA at least twice a week.

3) Compete at every opportunity.

4) Get my freakin' Blue.

5) Take a "Vacation" to train either with a Militech camp (Van?) or with Sylvio Behring if at all possible.

I'm devoting myself to Family, my girl, work and Jits this year in that exact order. The only thing that will trump any of those will be an acting gig that pays.

Peace! Happy New Year guys!

-10 medals in 2007
-purple belt

Work on takedowns with a gi
9 (non girlie) pressups within a single session
pizza only 3 nights a week
touch my toes (it WILL happen this year)

This is neat. Earlier in my thread I saw my 2006 resolution of:

1) improving my wrestling and implementing it into my BJJ game (did that and still working on it) and,

2) placing 1st in the Pan Ams blue belt division (civil litigation kept me away from competing)

For 2007:

1) stay injury free (at least for the rest of the year; currently I'm healing some torn rib cartilage - nice start to the year!) and,

2) be more consistent in my training (which has a lot more to do with time management at work)