Nick Diaz (BJJ) calls out Parisyan

"so, clown.. wait a minute.. becuase you have done extremly well on a world-wide level you dont have to pay your fees at a local event? wow.. man, when did this rule get passed? "

He's trolling Josh, just trolling, and you keep striking repeatedly at the lure.

But have fun, it's entertaining!

Ben R.

I'm new to this web posting thing and I don't really follow the lingo...could someone clear up what exactly a "troll" is and what "trolling" means



There is no need for anybody who makes an honest attempt to give out information to get reamed. TW was welcome to correct any misinformation in Josh's post, however, what's the point in being rude about it? Because Josh has been rude in other posts?
Because Josh said some other thing that TW/updog/usaclown didn't like?

I think that Josh rebutted your post pretty well.

Ben R.

What are you talking about Ben? First off, Josh insulted me by calling me a "pathetic jock riding troll" for simply stating my opinion about issues inside this forum. Never once have I insulted anyone on this site. What was Josh's point in insulting me? I'm not truthwizard/updog/usaclown. Because I happen agree with them that calls for insulting me now? As a matter of fact I find Josh the most rude and offensive poster on this site. His responses are overly graphic and quite frankly disgusting ("as to why you like putting your oral cavaity so far up and onto the lower appendages of JM.") And second off Josh has yet to respond to my post before the trolling one.



all of this is lingo rhetorical BS. The judo community is helped
along in a number of ways:

Paying fees at tournaments is what helps the Judo economy -
without them we don't have tournaments and thus no Jason's
Jimmy's, Mike's.

In the production of a tournamament the director and
organization is giving a venue for you to try your stuff. If any elite
shows up they should feel obliged to pay the money but if that is
turned down by the organizers then great but the athletes should
feel great about helping the Judo community.

Greatness is not measured by what you accomplished as an
athlete alone, though some want to believe that it is - it comes
back to what you are doing for the Judo community. Are you
helping kids or just accepting praise for things you did years ago?
Are you bringing kids to the local events to help their credibility?
are you helping do local camps and clinics? Are you going the
extra mile to help the overall community?

I don't lay this at anyone however if you are a brown belt or an
elite if you are not doing these things then you shouldn't be
saying that you are the greatest thing for USA JUDO.

Help kids folks they are the future - and those that do help them I
applaud as they help feed the system that we use to create our
elites - we should be cheering for these coaches because without
them there are know elite coaches (unless they are creating from
the ground up). I believe Jason has got a bunch of young ones
coming up so maybe he is. I know I aw Mike at a local with his
kids. So folks chill. BTW - I have my 72 kids on the mat every
night, and we are contirbutiing to the judo community by being at
every local. Think the parts are being done. If you are not doing it



I'm not sure what your post had to do with any of the debates going on in here but thanks for managing to include yourself and your club at the end of the message like you seem to do on everyone of your posts.


allow me to say this.. i do apologize for mistaking you as being part of a new trolling expedition that has been going on. for my part in mistaking you on this i am sorry.

now.. Ben. i do not dislike JM for any reason at all. he, like all of us, have our own personalities and our own ways of doing things. if i disliked him i would never have allowed the article to be written on my in real judo and i saure as hell wouldnt have a 3 years subscription to it. he is a well decorated athlete and nobody can/will/should dispute his record in a downtrotten way. as a coach he started out wisely by doing and learning everything he could from some other great coahces (the Cohen's from what i remember seeing and hearing) and now his club is very successful and thats a great thing for judo in his area and US Judo overall.

that being said. politically i do not agree with him on the majority of the issues and i have a good amount of mistrust there from issues in the past (olympic trials, comments he has made at athlete's meetings, etc..) as well as some recent things. though, lets be honest, politically there are tons of people who detest one another but are smart enough to let it be what it is and nothing more.

my calling people "JM jockriders" on the forum is stricty because i am positive that the new trolls are coming form his area, or his club directly, and/or are just blinded "fans" of his. its also, admittedly, partly out of pure frustration that these people are too cowardly to come out, be upfront, and say who they are. using a screenname to slader people and get away with it is something i cannot respect regardless of how it is done or who is doing it.



I wasn't really offended by your comment I was just trying to make a point. and if anyone could tell me what a "troll" is I'd appreciate it cuz I still don't know


Yeah the Cohens are the best they will never have to pay to good athletes and coaches to pay any entry fee. God Bless us all

So it looks like it's Georges St-Pierre X Karo Parisyan in UFC 46.

*wonders if Sojourner will root for a fellow Canuck*

Hey USAclown who are you?


A troll is a person who states things in a generally antagonizing way, usually anonymously, to get a rise out of others. It is something like "devil's advocate" but to the nth degree with a demeaning or offensive tone in most cases. A troll likes to post things just to see someone blow a fuse. They will sometimes create a new screen name (updog, usaclown, yourself). Then they will make statements like "I don't know what a troll is?!?" or something similar. It is easy to see why Resnick grouped you in with the others. It has already been established that usaclown = updog, has any verified that judoplaya is not the same as well?


Oh, and he (updog/usaclown) was from Canada. It appears as if you are as well. Adding more suspicion. Not accusing you, but just letting you know why people tend to think a+b+c+... = troll = judoplaya.


Playa I have never left the debate and the point was chill and work
and concentrate on the future - A little education for you kid -
nudge nudge. And if you reada little more carefully you will see
the point very clearly. Ohhhhh I am sorry - are you trying to get
me riled up like Josh. Sorry


Warnings! - EST
Screennames logged in on the same computer,
Login Date Screen Name
02-Dec-03 - 05:27 PM EST TruthWizard

ISP last used,
Retrieving data......
Resolves to this ISP:

This ISP is from Herndon, VA, USA.

Just so everybody knows what is going on with Judoplaya/Truthwizard.

Ben Reinhardt

See, Dave knows a troll when he sees one.

Ben Reinhardt

No way Ben. Judoplaya/Truthwizard just happen to work at the same place/go to the same school. Same for usaclown/updog.


Where are you clown your not to fast to respond when I ask who you are. Is it some supersecret where you can say all this shit on here and be like oh there never know it is me. No one else has a problem saying who they are. Josh is on here all day making a fool of himself be he doesnt care if anyone knows. Right Josh?


He won't answer. He has been asked over and over.

Pete Pelter

thats right aaron.. i need to get my entertainment somewhere, somehow... =)
that fool isnt gonna answer you about who he is.. neither are the "truth wizard" or that other moron. im sure its one or two fellas who know eachother and either train togehter somehow or whatever.
i wouldnt be socked if you know one of them pretty well and i know of him (seeing how im not the most social of judo people at tournaments).

anyways... too bad yo uwont be around when im going home man.. slamming your ass would be fun time.. =) lol.
