Nori "Kid" Yamamoto Punches Doctor

ttt for The Kid!

The Locust = Todd?

Um, Kid also screwed Enson over with money. So any way you look at it, Kid screwed Enson over.

Nori did shoot the Yakuza with a BB, but it wasn't from a BB gun. It was actually shot from a thick rubber band.

I feel sad when I think about the situation between Nori and Enson. Enson did everything he could for Kid and those two were tight like brothers.

It does sound like Shooto is blowing this outta proportion. When I first read the report, it sounded like Nori straight-up attacked the guy. Banning the whole team sounds a little bit extreme, but maybe they were just waiting for an excuse.


the punch didn't land? how are you gonna try to hit a Doc and miss. That won't be on his highlight reel. Having an old man slip his punch, haha.


i am a huge enson and egan fan!

but to say this wouldnt have happened is probably right! (lol)

they would have grabbed the dr and kicked the shit out of him in the ring ala superbrawl style!!!!!

"The Locust = Todd?"
