Not even Fedor

 10.0  Just for the amount of responses and the dedication to the thread.  Bravo ! ! ! VTFU ! !

IrishFighter110 - You will regret making this thread.

 LOL, my thoughts exactly. The UG will NEVER let you live it down.

 You're all going to eat crow. less than 2 weeks KIDS!






The Mouth -  You're all going to eat crow. less than 2 weeks KIDS!

Fedor > Mir

 For ArtV

The Mouth -  Could beat Lesnar.

Anyone who thinks there is a heavyweight on the planet right now that can beat him is absolutely delusional.

His speed, size, strength and wrestling will have him owning that belt until he decides to quit fighting or enters Evander Holyfield past prime still wanting to fight phase.


mir will beat him... and u will never post again

wandyfan86 - 
The Mouth -  Could beat Lesnar.

Anyone who thinks there is a heavyweight on the planet right now that can beat him is absolutely delusional.

His speed, size, strength and wrestling will have him owning that belt until he decides to quit fighting or enters Evander Holyfield past prime still wanting to fight phase.


mir will beat him... and u will never post again




The Mouth - 
IrishFighter110 - You will regret making this thread.

 No I won't.

Name a legit heavy (Not a 230 lb dude that cant make 205) that even has 10% of the athleticism that Brock has.

I HATE SAYING THIS.  But its 100% true.

You are wrong mate There's plenty of people Shane Carwin for instance... 260 pound beast with great athleticism

Willz91 - 
The Mouth - 
IrishFighter110 - You will regret making this thread.

 No I won't.

Name a legit heavy (Not a 230 lb dude that cant make 205) that even has 10% of the athleticism that Brock has.

I HATE SAYING THIS.  But its 100% true.

You are wrong mate There's plenty of people Shane Carwin for instance... 260 pound beast with great athleticism

 Carwin will get handled.

 annnd again

3 years ago Fedor owns him. Today its a fight

I hate to say it but I think Brock takes Fedor. Look at how he held a 250lb frank mir in place on the ground. He just went old school ground and pound. He went chest to chest grabbed his shoulder from behind the neck(like you would do to give your little brother a nuggie) and went to town.

Yes Fedor could take him out on the feet but brock could rock him as well. With no room on the ground to execute a submission what do you do? Frank was stuck and payed the price.

This reminds me of the early UFC when the guard changed from the jits guys to the stronger g n p wrestlers. Check St. Pierre as well. He basically does the same thing Brock does; chest to chest no room to throw submission.

lesnar is now officially overrated.

cant wait to see him get ruined on the feet or by a top hw.

mir was not a top hw

randy was old.

win some more fights if u want my respect.

u people are fuckin delusional!!!

Alistair Overeem, Fedor and probably someone else I'm forgetting could all handle Lesnar.

The Mouth -  Could beat Lesnar.

Anyone who thinks there is a heavyweight on the planet right now that can beat him is absolutely delusional.

His speed, size, strength and wrestling will have him owning that belt until he decides to quit fighting or enters Evander Holyfield past prime still wanting to fight phase.



Look at how he held a 250lb frank mir in place on the ground.

You mean Crunch N Punch?

 Brock would smash Barnett too.