atleast not in a competitive sense anyway. i downloaded a 9 page article. NINE PAGES!!! About proper sprinting form and technuiqe. to my surprise sprinting really isnt about just power and speed. there is so much more tech to it than i ever gave the sport credit for. but anyway the whole 9 page article was just about getting up to the blocks, proper placement in the blocks and how to accelerate out of the blocks. correct after 9 pages of explanations you arent even out of the damn blocks yet! one whole page was just about how to figure out not only where in relation to the start line to place the blocks (based on leg length and all kinds of other stuff) but how far apart to space the pads. and it's not even all just legs, the arms have a lot to do with proper form and takeoff as well. it's not discouraging me from training to compete but some of this stuff is way over my head
i did notice tho on my first 200m speed run when i started to exercise better technique i cant say i felt faster (i had noone timing me) but i didnt feel like i was working as hard to stay at full speed
but i can see why distance running is a lot more popular. get a good pair of shoes and jog at a comfortable pace...pretty simple. 2 lines not 9+ pages
That's why I mentioned in the other thread that you should find a track coach to help you out. It's much easier for a decent coach to give you feedback and correct your technique than to try to learn on your own. Learning proper technique alone will shave some time off your performance.
During my last year in college I had the good fortune to participate in a weekend workshop with the university track coach. I've always been athletic and quick, but never considered myself a fast, powerful sprinter. Well after working with him for just one day, I became the second fastest person in the workshop...and I was in there with football players and soccer players...and I'm only 5'6.
If you're into combat sports, then you're probably already in great shape. So, you've got the physical tools, you just need to tweak your form. If you can find someone to show you the special drills they use, I guaruntee you'll see almost immediate improvements.
I found a site that has some of the drills we did. It's tough to follow with just a description and no pics or videos but you might be able to work them out.
I just dont think I would have the time or funds to have someone coach me. I don't think my form is bad since I can get decent times but I just need to know the little things that take someone from winner to also ran. As far as ability I wouldn't forsee a problem with that, it's just technique I know is not as good as it could or should be. I guess I will certainly find out at the track event in May.