NYC NHB Show pics 3/08 (PICS)

unsanctioned death matches will be the end of this sport


These are full Vale Tudo rules?

Headbutts, soccer kicks, knees to the head on the ground?

"Headbutts, soccer kicks, knees to the head on the ground?"

Small joint manipulation, spinal attacks, etc.

yes, UFC 1 rules.


a few shows back two fighters agreed to do true old-school vale tudo rules. one fighter ended up biting the other fighter's ear off. he mailed it to renzo gracie. you know, just because.

Magno from Renzo Gracie BJJ was in the house sunday:


What is a typical fight purse like for the competitors...those are pretty loose rules to fight for small cash.

the fighters are paid in food stamps and WIC checks.

njstilenj, check your mail.

it is. harley and ryan were buddies.

How about adding the outlaw??

None of the competitors attacked anyone with a chainsaw after the event. (not always the case)



Get me on this mailing list!!!

kidfatass @ gmail dot com

  Normative observant Jews would not have tattoos, but NYC has a variety of sects that call themselves Jewish and are somewhat observant, but not converted according to halakha (Jewish law).  I suspect that Mau Mau (sp?) belongs to one of these groups.

sekou mau mau was from pennsylvania.

 " sekou mau mau was from pennsylvania."

Does he really train under Relson Gracie?




what did i do?

 ^^^ Are you Sekou Mau Mau?

Can you post your thoughts about your fight?  I'd like to see you in the UCL again, you brought some serious excitement to the ring.

Where do you train?


"ending souls"? so you really are a witch doctor? awesome.