NYJAH EASTON added to 8 Women $10K Event!


On August 2nd, watch Nyjah Easton compete with 7 more of the world's best female black belts

for the first ever FIVE Grappling Super League title as well as

$17,500 in prize money ($10k for 1st place).

Also, don't forget we will have a star studded 8 Man No Gi bracket also

competing for a title +$17.5k, as well as 2 AMAZING Super Fights TBA soon!

Get some popcorn ready... Phone Post 3.0

I feel that this is not the best decision from a market in standpoint, because of the rapes. Phone Post 3.0

You guys really thought this was a good idea?

TrappeBier - I feel that this is not the best decision from a market in standpoint, because of the rapes. Phone Post 3.0
Yeah, she testified against the victim's character. Just disgusting.

I'm very excited about this event, but her participation is a big negative. Phone Post 3.0

Hillary - 
TrappeBier - I feel that this is not the best decision from a market in standpoint, because of the rapes. Phone Post 3.0
Yeah, she testified against the victim's character. Just disgusting.

I'm very excited about this event, but her participation is a big negative. Phone Post 3.0


Thanks for the response on that. I do hope you find success with this company. However my personal opinion is that there is too much smoke coming from that team for me to genually believe that there is no fire. Its just a stank that wont wash off.

Hillary -
TrappeBier - I feel that this is not the best decision from a market in standpoint, because of the rapes. Phone Post 3.0
Yeah, she testified against the victim's character. Just disgusting.

I'm very excited about this event, but her participation is a big negative. Phone Post 3.0
Do we know enough about the case (and her specific testimony) to make the decision to shun events shes involved in? Or are we kinda jumping to get pitchforks early? genuine question, I didnt even know she has testified. Phone Post 3.0

Hillary - 
TrappeBier - I feel that this is not the best decision from a market in standpoint, because of the rapes. Phone Post 3.0
Yeah, she testified against the victim's character. Just disgusting.

I'm very excited about this event, but her participation is a big negative. Phone Post 3.0


May I ask, when exactly did Nyjah testify AGAINST the victims (im going to omit her name) character? Nyjah was subpoenaed to appear in court.  She didnt decide in some vulgar heroic fashion to attempt to rescue Nick or Mateo.  She (along with other FEMALES) was subpoenaed to appear in court, and to provide answers to questions that were asked of her like anyone else.

When you're in court being examined, there is little room or opportunity to "paint pictures".  The prosection (or the defense) ask very specific yes or no questions.  They'll sometimes ask you to describe a situation, or ask you to provide more detail, but outside of that you are limited to what you can and can not say on the witness stand.

Nyjah was asked a very specific set of questions, and was told that they had to be answered truthfully, or else she would be punished with perjury.  She answered those questions honestly.  In fact, if you knew exactly what she had been asked in the court room, you'd know that she wasnt testifying against the victims character at all.

Too often people take advantage of the internet to just absuse a situation (or person), without having any idea of what they are talking about, using the rumor mill as their source of information.  The way this case was handled (and the way Nyjah answered what was asked of her), isnt something specific to Nyjah, its the standard in which examination is done in courts all throughout the United States.  So IMO its fairly simple, either you:

A: Were at court when she was being questioned (you werent)

B: Spoke with the victim (you didnt)

C: Spoke with someone who was at the proceedings (this is possible, but is still 2nd hand information)

Then D: You have absolutely no idea what Nyjah did or did not say on the stand, and have no business what so ever calling a person disgusting based on your lack of understanding of a given situation.

^^^^^^^ didnt want to be outwardly confrontational since I myself don't know what happened in that courtroom. But I suspected that was the case. the lynch mob for TLI and everyone associated in any way with him is a bit much. Phone Post 3.0

If Five is going to get shit for having Nyjah then Scotty and OTM need to be held responsible for sponsoring her and tim Spriggs Phone Post 3.0

daedalus12 - ^^^^^^^ didnt want to be outwardly confrontational since I myself don't know what happened in that courtroom. But I suspected that was the case. the lynch mob for TLI and everyone associated in any way with him is a bit much. Phone Post 3.0

It wasnt my intention to be outwardly confrontational but it gets to the point where enough is enough.  I know for a fact Hillary has absolutely no idea what she's talking about, and of all people has no place calling ANYBODY disgusting.  You always have to keep in mind that the rumor mill isnt one directional.  Outside of that this IMO is the perfect opportunity to shed some light on the facts vs. the rumors regarding Nyjah's involvement with the victims case, people would be surprised.

yea you werent. I just meant I didnt want to say " I call bullshit hillary!" without really having known what went on Phone Post 3.0

Option C, spoke with someone at the trial. I'll readily admit it's second hand and I didn't ask the specifics of the questions presented to her (I was told her responses presented the girl to generally be promiscuous), but the person that I got info from I consider reliable.

Even if I'm completely wrong (if presented with evidence that proves that, I'll 100% recognize I am wrong), I disagree completely in tournaments, especially one in support of women, having anything to do with his academy. Her continued association, in my opinion, speaks widely of her character and I think there would be many deserving women who could have used that spot well. Phone Post 3.0

You know what, I tend to be a person that relies on evidence. Waiting for evidence to be proven wrong, like I just said, isn't actually how things should work. I trusted the person I got my info from. He/she may be wrong or may be right, but without me having seen it or read transcripts, I don't particularly have a right to comment on it and I was wrong.

I still don't feel like TLI should be supported by major tournaments, but otherwise I'll admit when I should have restrained a comment. Phone Post 3.0

BackAddict347x - 
Hillary - 
TrappeBier - I feel that this is not the best decision from a market in standpoint, because of the rapes. Phone Post 3.0
Yeah, she testified against the victim's character. Just disgusting.

I'm very excited about this event, but her participation is a big negative. Phone Post 3.0


May I ask, when exactly did Nyjah testify AGAINST the victims (im going to omit her name) character? Nyjah was subpoenaed to appear in court.  She didnt decide in some vulgar heroic fashion to attempt to rescue Nick or Mateo.  She (along with other FEMALES) was subpoenaed to appear in court, and to provide answers to questions that were asked of her like anyone else.

When you're in court being examined, there is little room or opportunity to "paint pictures".  The prosection (or the defense) ask very specific yes or no questions.  They'll sometimes ask you to describe a situation, or ask you to provide more detail, but outside of that you are limited to what you can and can not say on the witness stand.

Nyjah was asked a very specific set of questions, and was told that they had to be answered truthfully, or else she would be punished with perjury.  She answered those questions honestly.  In fact, if you knew exactly what she had been asked in the court room, you'd know that she wasnt testifying against the victims character at all.

Too often people take advantage of the internet to just absuse a situation (or person), without having any idea of what they are talking about, using the rumor mill as their source of information.  The way this case was handled (and the way Nyjah answered what was asked of her), isnt something specific to Nyjah, its the standard in which examination is done in courts all throughout the United States.  So IMO its fairly simple, either you:

A: Were at court when she was being questioned (you werent)

B: Spoke with the victim (you didnt)

C: Spoke with someone who was at the proceedings (this is possible, but is still 2nd hand information)

Then D: You have absolutely no idea what Nyjah did or did not say on the stand, and have no business what so ever calling a person disgusting based on your lack of understanding of a given situation.

...and here come the Lloyd apologists

BackAddict347x -
daedalus12 - ^^^^^^^ didnt want to be outwardly confrontational since I myself don't know what happened in that courtroom. But I suspected that was the case. the lynch mob for TLI and everyone associated in any way with him is a bit much. Phone Post 3.0

It wasnt my intention to be outwardly confrontational but it gets to the point where enough is enough.  I know for a fact Hillary has absolutely no idea what she's talking about, and of all people has no place calling ANYBODY disgusting.  You always have to keep in mind that the rumor mill isnt one directional.  Outside of that this IMO is the perfect opportunity to shed some light on the facts vs. the rumors regarding Nyjah's involvement with the victims case, people would be surprised.

Ok, Fuck OTM for supporting TLI. My one man boycot of organizations that support team rape is small, but fierce. Fuck this tournament for supporting team rape. Phone Post 3.0

Hillary - Option C, spoke with someone at the trial. I'll readily admit it's second hand and I didn't ask the specifics of the questions presented to her (I was told her responses presented the girl to generally be promiscuous), but the person that I got info from I consider reliable.

Even if I'm completely wrong (if presented with evidence that proves that, I'll 100% recognize I am wrong), I disagree completely in tournaments, especially one in support of women, having anything to do with his academy. Her continued association, in my opinion, speaks widely of her character and I think there would be many deserving women who could have used that spot well. Phone Post 3.0




So basically what I take from this is that you were given information 2nd hand from someone who says they were at the trial, understandable.  My only issue is that you'll go as far as to call someone "disgusting" based on 2nd hand information that you didnt even bother to find out if it were true or not.  I know that you've spoken to Nyjah before at tournaments, and it'd be much easier to get it directly from the source vs. someone offering it second hand.

You say:

"Even if I'm completely wrong (if presented with evidence that proves that, I'll 100% recognize I am wrong)".  The problem is you didnt need any evidence to condemn Nyjah or call her disgusting.  You were completely content with saying it without putting up any due diligence yourself to figure out fact from fiction, and this is where my dilemma comes into play.

So here are facts:

- Nyjah was subpoenaed to appear in court for questioning *BY THE PROSECUTION, not the Defense*.  If Nyjah were to be a character witness against the victim, wouldnt it make sense that the Defense attorney subpoena her?

- Nyjah was really only asked about 5-8 questions by the defense and prosecution combined.  It was phrased differently and asked repeatedly (as most prosecutors do), but outside of that that was the jist.  

- In Nyjah's testimoney to the prosecution, about half of the questions were questions that needed an explanation, and of those explanations none of them were against the victims character.

- Nyjah had a friendship with the victim outside of work (the school), the victim maintained a friendship, and was in communication with Nyjah AFTER the case was over. I highly doubt if Nyjah was speaking falsely in court that the victim would remain friendly with her, let alone return to training at TLI.

Now these are all things that you were completely oblivious to, but now know (and by all means, please dont take my 2nd hand word for it, verifiy it for yourself).  One would think that if you were as wrong as you were about the Nyjah situation, it could be quite possible that you're wrong about other situations, and could explain why she continues to be involved with the school.


Hillary - You know what, I tend to be a person that relies on evidence. Waiting for evidence to be proven wrong, like I just said, isn't actually how things should work. I trusted the person I got my info from. He/she may be wrong or may be right, but without me having seen it or read transcripts, I don't particularly have a right to comment on it and I was wrong.

I still don't feel like TLI should be supported by major tournaments, but otherwise I'll admit when I should have restrained a comment. Phone Post 3.0

To be clear, this isnt a smear Hillary campaign.  Im not trying to rub your nose in shit.  Im only trying to publicly say that sometimes this forum can be VERY immature when it comes to drama.  Everybody LOVES to have an opportunity to fling shit at a situation, and HATE when they are wrong.  In my above post I stated facts, and as I said, please dont take my word for it, verify it for yourself so that you can know what really happened.  

Regarding TLI being supported at major tournaments, again, I stand by my initial argument.  You only know the things that you've read from the rumor mill, and you're basing your judgement from that rumor mill.  Im positive you havent read the actual court documentation.  Not these "transcripts" that you mentioned earlier (I dont even know what these are, they most certainly arent what the court reporter takes from the proceedings).

Its not hard to know what really did (and didnt) happen, just takes effort, and I would much rather do my own due diligence before condeming others, because I for one know I wouldnt want to have the wheels turned on me.