NYJAH EASTON added to 8 Women $10K Event!

I don't support TLI because Lloyd is a attempted gang rapist who couldn't get it done because he went soft. Can we all agree that he is a piece of shit? Phone Post 3.0

Please see: my post after the one you quoted. I reflected, came to that conclusion, and will move forward not repeating that any more. Not saying it didn't happen, but it's clear I also cannot say that it did. While I was referring to the act of testifying against a victim as disgusting and not Nyjah herself, either is unfair in absence of documented reason. Phone Post 3.0

You somehow managed a huge response in the time it took me to type that (after I only saw your retort to second). Disregard. Phone Post 3.0

You should see her three flip a 12 stair doe Phone Post 3.0

BackAttack, who told you Nyjah was a prosecution witness?

Fcuk Lloyd Irvin and his team!

I don't see this ending well

RobertKipness - I don't see this ending well


Rob all is fine bro.  The jist of things is that at first Nyjah was disgusting because she "testified against the character of the victim" (who gain, shall remain nameless).  This was untrue, Nyjah only answered the questions that were asked of her, the majority of which being yes or no.  Its not like she could get on the stand and just slander the victim (which is what people reading this thread initially were lead to believe, and is why I spoke up).  If you look at what she was actually asked, she didnt really speak against, or say anything bad about the victim at all, so where this whole "against" thing came from is beyond me.

Once that was situated it changed from Nyjah being disgusting from testifying against the character of the victim, to Nyjah being bad for her continued support of TLI.  One thing that I can say with 100% fact is that 99% of this forum has absolutely no clue as to what REALLY happened.  The working body of knowledge from this case on this forum comes from media publications (and we know the media never spins anything right?).  It doesnt come from any actual documentation from what actually happened in court.  So basically what you have now is people calling a man LImp Irvin.  Calling him that because they've been told that his testimony in court was that he was impotent, and because of this, he should be set free, when in actuallity that was NEVER said in court.  This hate train thats against him isnt even working from a factual body of knowledge, and thats what bothers me.

For the BJJ community to be so gung ho about finding the truth (I.E tracing the legitimacy of someones black belt), its shocking to me that they havent dug the truth on this one up already.  I mean for fucks sakes its not that difficult.  A trip to the court house is all that would be needed to see what was actually said.  Part of me believes its because people love drama, and have no interest what so ever in finding out the truth, but for those interested i'd love to share, because I've actually done the leg work.

BackAddict347x -
RobertKipness - I don't see this ending well


Rob all is fine bro.  The jist of things is that at first Nyjah was disgusting because she "testified against the character of the victim" (who gain, shall remain nameless).  This was untrue, Nyjah only answered the questions that were asked of her, the majority of which being yes or no.  Its not like she could get on the stand and just slander the victim (which is what people reading this thread initially were lead to believe, and is why I spoke up).  If you look at what she was actually asked, she didnt really speak against, or say anything bad about the victim at all, so where this whole "against" thing came from is beyond me.

Once that was situated it changed from Nyjah being disgusting from testifying against the character of the victim, to Nyjah being bad for her continued support of TLI.  One thing that I can say with 100% fact is that 99% of this forum has absolutely no clue as to what REALLY happened.  The working body of knowledge from this case on this forum comes from media publications (and we know the media never spins anything right?).  It doesnt come from any actual documentation from what actually happened in court.  So basically what you have now is people calling a man LImp Irvin.  Calling him that because they've been told that his testimony in court was that he was impotent, and because of this, he should be set free, when in actuallity that was NEVER said in court.  This hate train thats against him isnt even working from a factual body of knowledge, and thats what bothers me.

For the BJJ community to be so gung ho about finding the truth (I.E tracing the legitimacy of someones black belt), its shocking to me that they havent dug the truth on this one up already.  I mean for fucks sakes its not that difficult.  A trip to the court house is all that would be needed to see what was actually said.  Part of me believes its because people love drama, and have no interest what so ever in finding out the truth, but for those interested i'd love to share, because I've actually done the leg work.

So what exactly is your relationship (if any) to LI, Nyjah, or the alleged rape incident?

And you don't see anything wrong/strange with Lloyd paying for the defense of the alleged rapists against another one of his own student and/or his follow-up actions in an attempt to bury the situation using SEO and buying domain names etc? Phone Post 3.0

nevermind im scared of seo retaliation...

chitownbjj - 
BackAddict347x -
RobertKipness - I don't see this ending well
        <span class="User-202103" id="userPost53784858">&nbsp;</span></p>
        <span class="User-202103" id="userPost53784858">Rob all is fine bro. &nbsp;The jist of things is that at first Nyjah was disgusting because she &quot;testified against the character of the victim&quot; (who gain, shall remain nameless). &nbsp;This was untrue, Nyjah only answered the questions that were asked of her, the majority of which being yes or no. &nbsp;Its not like she could get on the stand and just slander the victim (which is what people reading this thread initially were lead to believe, and is why I spoke up). &nbsp;If you look at what she was actually asked, she didnt really speak against, or say anything bad about the victim at all, so where this whole &quot;against&quot; thing came from is beyond me.</span></p>
        <span class="User-202103" id="userPost53784858">Once that was situated it changed from Nyjah being disgusting from testifying against the character of the victim, to Nyjah being bad for her continued support of TLI. &nbsp;One thing that I can say with 100% fact is that 99% of this forum has absolutely no clue as to what REALLY happened. &nbsp;The working body of knowledge from this case <strong>on this forum comes</strong> from media publications (and we know the media never spins anything right?). &nbsp;It doesnt come from any actual documentation from what actually happened in court. &nbsp;So basically what you have now is people calling a man&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 1.6em;">LImp Irvin. &nbsp;Calling him that because they've been told that his testimony in court was that he was impotent, and because of this, he should be set free,&nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 1.6em;">when in actuallity&nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 1.6em;">that was&nbsp;</span><strong style="line-height: 1.6em;">NEVER</strong><span style="line-height: 1.6em;"> said in court. &nbsp;This hate train thats against him isnt even working from a factual body of knowledge, and thats what bothers me.</span></span></p>
        <span class="User-202103" id="userPost53784858">For the BJJ community to be so gung ho about finding the truth (I.E tracing the legitimacy of someones black belt), its shocking to me that they havent dug the truth on this one up already. &nbsp;I mean for fucks sakes its not that difficult. &nbsp;A trip to the court house is all that would be needed to see what was <strong>actually</strong> said. &nbsp;Part of me believes its because people love drama, and have no interest what so ever in finding out the truth, but for those interested i'd love to share, because I've actually done the leg work.</span></p>
<span class="User-202103" id="userPost53784858">So what exactly is your relationship (if any) to LI, Nyjah, or the alleged rape incident?<br />
<br />
And you don't see anything wrong/strange with Lloyd paying for the defense of the alleged rapists against another one of his own student and/or his follow-up actions in an attempt to bury the situation using SEO and buying domain names etc? <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/apple.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></blockquote>

Lemme break this down piece by piece:

1."You dont see anything wrong/strange with Lloyd paying for the defense of the alleged rapists...." - Lloyd didnt pay for the defense attorneys of Schultz or Maldonaldo, the families took care of that expense.

2. "You dont see anything wrong with his follow-up actions in an attempt to bury the situation using SEO and buying domain names?" - Think about something for a second. This is a man who's name is being ran through the mud with lies and slander, and he's got no control over whats being done online. He did what ANY PR expert would do in order to get control of the situation. I mean personally I own my own domains with my name in the for the sole purpose of having control over my digital image, and I dont knock him for attempting to do the same. Its not like he did it offensively, he did it defensively because you've got guys trying to slander him (there's proof of this as well).

3. "What is my personal relationship to LI, Nyjah, or the alleged rape incident" - These were people that I can honestly say that I've had the honor of meeting. Im not a member of Team Lloyd Irvin, nor am I a member of any of Lloyd Irvin's mastermind business interests. I am however a person that was VERY interested in knowing the truth about what happened back in 89, as well as what happened in the Maldonaldo & Schultz case, so I went the extra mile to see what actually happened, beyond word of mouth (which is what im imploring everyone to do here).

All, and I do mean ALL of this information is PUBLICLY available. These arent documents that have been sealed shut by the federal government. You can literally read every single statement involved with the 89 case, all the way up to convictions in that case being OVERTURNED because the "victim" LIED about what happened. Its all there black and white, plain as day. You wont see any "I didnt follow through because I couldnt get hard", because it was never said.

biggator - 

nevermind im scared of seo retaliation...

Too late, I saw what you wrote before you edited it.  Suffice to say, im not anyones Mom.  Im also happy to know that you'd rather tag my post as a FRAT, rather than reading factual information about a situation that you've been condeming a person over.  If the shoe was on the other foot Im certain you'd want someone to do all of the due diligence that i've done in your case before slamming you all over the internet.

you dont have to threaten me i already said im scared

biggator - 

you dont have to threaten me i already said im scared

Lmao bro im not threatening anybody, all im saying is this forum has ran that mans name through the mud enough, when are we actually (as a whole) going to do the legwork to see if what we've been led to believe is true or not.

Who really gives a fuck guys, she is probably a shitty human and seems brainwashed by LI but she didn't do any of this crime herself. She gives the event a heel character for everyone to root against, smart marketing IMO. Phone Post 3.0

So, what about LI's limp dick gang rape defense? Phone Post 3.0

TrappeBier - So, what about LI's limp dick gang rape defense? Phone Post 3.0


What do you mean? Him not being able to "get it up", was never a part of his defense (if you read my post above you'll see that), so that throws the whole LImp thing out the window.  As far as the gang rape, convictions were overturned because it later came out that the "victim" lied.  

Like I said, by all means, dont take my word for it, this is publicly available to anybody willing to go and look.


Thanks for your answers.

//waiting for Georgette Oden to show up on this thread. HAHA Phone Post 3.0


So in the trial the jury was very clear that they believed the victim was raped. They also believe that Irvin tried to participate, but could not get it up.

I have looked for the complete transcript, but cannot find it. Can you link to it?