Oatmeal Before Bed?

Would it be bad to eat a cup of oatmeal w/ milk before bedtime? I usually drink a glass a milk but I was thinking of adding something else. Oatmeal is slow digesting, fiberous, and goes well with milk. Any reason I shouldn't do this?

alot of people recommend a slow releasing protein and healthy fat before bed... maybe some cottage cheese and nuts or natural peanut butter.

I succesfully cut weight eating carbs before bed (i'm a firm believer in total amounts during the day than timing), but you'll get tons of opinions on this... I do try and stick to a protein or protein/fat snack now...

i forgot about the carb issue at night.  damn.  I'll stick with the milk for now.

milk has a considerable amount of carbs in it, FYI.


how many carbs does low fat cottage cheese have?


edit:  I checked fitday.com.  I am surprised at the difference in ratio btw. carbs and protein in milk vs. cottage cheese.  Maybe I'll just eat cottage cheese before bed and stick to my glass of chocolate milk after my workout.

Milk has very low GI anyway; so if the Carb Cals are an issue (relative to protein) that's one thing... but you're not getting much insulin resopnse from either of those.

Whole oats or steelcut oats aren't bad, either. Instant oatmeal is likely worse (or rolled oats). Still, slow-digesting protein, fiber. Duchaine (for what it's worth) used to recommend cottage cheese and an apple. (Don't freak about fructose.... there's very little in a whole apple). Idea being to get some fiber to further slow gastric emptying.

"Milk has very low GI anyway"

Indeed it does. Interestingly it seems to be the same GI with or without
fat, which is a little odd.

"Whole oats or steelcut oats aren't bad, either."

No, but tend to be higher in glycemic value than both milk and apples.
Even if they weren't, the glycemic load would most certainly be much
higher, unless he ate a very small amount.

"(Don't freak about fructose.... there's very little in a whole apple)"

A large apple has ~ 22.03 g of sugar, and about 12.51 g of that is
fructose. Apples are anywhere from 5 - 20 points higher than milk in
glycemic value.


PS. what's up Ali? I was just talking to Taku about you the other day!
Think you could drop me a line at mmaconditioning@yahoo.com?

Hey brother -- yes I'll write you. And Taku. 'Cept then I have to fess up about how damned out shape I've become over the last year and a half (I blame a woman!)

You would expect some milk fat to lower the GI of milk, but, lactose is a REALLY slow digesting sugar anyway....

and yes, oatmeal isn't super-low GI, but unlikely to be a problem, esp. of the total Cals aren't the issue.

"Milk has very low GI anyway; so if the Carb Cals are an issue (relative to protein) that's one thing... but you're not getting much insulin resopnse from either of those. "

Even though milk has a low GI it still greatly spikes your insulin. It is an exception to the low GI food guidelines.

so, when would be the best time to have milk? in the morning and after a workout?

"Even though milk has a low GI it still greatly spikes your insulin"

But...... then it would have a high GI.....


This kind of obsession is nuts.

It all depends on if you want good results or optimal results.


I look forward to it.


no reason not to eat before bed if eat fits into the overall days plan of cals and macros

think about the totals at the end of the day

coach hale

"But...... then it would have a high GI..... "

This is what John Berardi has to say about that:

"The popular glycemic index is a measure of the speed at which carbohydrates enter the blood after a meal. A high-glycemic index means that blood sugar rises rapidly in response to a meal while a low-glycemic index means that blood sugar rises very slowly. Traditionally, nutritionists thought that the faster the carbs got into the blood, the bigger the insulin response. So in an attempt to manage insulin, they recommended always eating low-glycemic foods.

However, several studies since have shown that some low glycemic index foods have huge insulin responses! So the correlation between glycemic index and insulin response breaks down with some foods. For example, milk products have a very low glycemic index. But they promote insulin responses parallel to the highest glycemic foods. What's the deal? Well, it appears that there are several other factors that determine insulin release besides carb content and the rate of carb absorption.

This is why the insulin index was generated. This index actually measures insulin response to a food. So rather than assuming insulin response is correlated with carb absorption, these researchers decided to go ahead and measure it. And their results were eye opening!"

While you are correct in pointing out my error in terms, the Glycemic Index (GI) and the Insulin Index (II) are extremely similar. GI is generally a great predictor of II, but, as you and JB note, there are some exceptions. However, II requires a great deal more study to determine the seemingly peculiar resutls, and of the few comparisons made between GI and II, the only one i've seen compares the values in fasted individuals, in which case the coversion of proteins into carbohydrate (gluconeogenesis) is much higher than it might normally be, which seems to have some especially potent effect on insulin. I'm not certain at this time that such a condition exists in individuals not in a fasted state.
