Odds that Bisping faked an injury to avoid Lombard

Bisping would be the most logical opponent to step up to fight Lombard. A win over Lombard should put anyone right up in the mix for the title.
Only problem, is Lombard is really good at hurting people. He would destroy Bisping.
The smart thing for Bisping is to fake the injury and wait to pad his record with easier, winnable fights.
Good luck to Tim Boetsch, Bisping fucked you good. I hope Tim beats Lombard. That will show em. Phone Post

Yep. The same Michael Bisping who stepped up to fight Chael Sonnen on 10 days notice is ducking someone.

Yep. Phone Post

Was there plans to have Bisping replace Stann, leaving Boetsch w/o an opponent? I'm no Bisping fan, but he doesn't strike me as a guy to duck fighters.


 I think it is MUCH more likely that Zuffa wanted Lombard and Bisping to fight different opponents.

I think they want them both to be #1 contenders over the next year. Boetsch is not as marketable.

the fact that everyone backed out of this card just makes it a little more suspicious,
maybe guys wanna hold out for bigger events

Zero. He would beat Lombard. Phone Post

 Honestly Chael is an easier match up for Bisping then a heavy hitter like Lombard is


Bisping has trouble with strikers who can get inside and throw. Inf act Bisping also doesnt start off good with his striking. His striking round 1 looks terrible usually. EX: Kang, Miller, Jorge, and so forth. Lombard brings power in power much like Henderson does. With Power and ability to unleash hell with his speed in roudn 1 it would be a dangerous match up for Bisping.

Hey TS I'm no fan of Bisping, but WTF did he ever duck prior?

The guy that relentlessly calls out Anderson Silva or whoever is at the top of the MW division is a coward? He even recently stated that he wanted a rematch with Dan Henderson, so to think that he'd duck Lombard is laughable. 

"Pad his record"

GTFO troll.

Ban the OP for fighter bashing, calling Bisping a faker. This is the first time he has ever pulled out of a fight. Boetsch is a lucky man.

OMGClayGuida - Yep. The same Michael Bisping who stepped up to fight Chael Sonnen on 10 days notice is ducking someone.

Yep. Phone Post
This. They also have to have the doctors reports, x-rays, etc sent to the UFC anyways, so it's not likely. Phone Post

Fights wand, hollywood, chael..BUT IS AFRAID OF LOMBARD!?!? Phone Post

OP is retarded.

Name one person Bisping has "ducked" Phone Post

What a stupid statement. Bisping has thrown down with henderson, sonnen and a crap load of others and he will duck Lombard? Laughable. Phone Post

explodingboy - Ban the OP for fighter bashing, calling Bisping a faker. This is the first time he has ever pulled out of a fight. Boetsch is a lucky man.
Good to see you back mate, I'm arguing with a mod on another thread regarding this very topic, this place has went to the shit. Phone Post

UGCTT_thebroonies - 
explodingboy - Ban the OP for fighter bashing, calling Bisping a faker. This is the first time he has ever pulled out of a fight. Boetsch is a lucky man.
Good to see you back mate, I'm arguing with a mod on another thread regarding this very topic, this place has went to the shit. Phone Post

I will bring this matter to the attention of the higher ups. This "fighter bashing," as some imply, has got to stop. It is just not right that a forum member can say that they think so and so is ducking a fight or that so and so is all hype, etc.....

The odds are zero. Absolutely zero. I'd actually pick Lombard to beat Bisping, but I'm sure Bisping doesn't feel the same way because he's a world class fighter. Guys at that level aren't afraid of anybody.

Lots of posters defending bisping here, good to see for a change.
And I agree with everyone saying bisping doesn't duck people and also if he ever had any 'easier' road than anyone else it was by ufc's decisions not his. Phone Post

Nevermind. I just read the post where your stated your connection. Good shit. Keep the stories coming Phone Post 3.0