Official Bisbing apology thread

 so for months after bisbing lost to dan I had to listen to you smug fuckers talk about how bisbing had a padded record and was never that good.. now I think is a good time to apologize and jump on this red hot bangwagon!

the true bisbing fans are waiting



 dan can thank his lucky stars bisbing did not get that TD and proceed to paint a picture with his face

 i expect evan shoman to tuck from this thread but he really should check it out

 figures there would be no hendo fans posting here. they have as much class as that late shotting troll himself

japetto - He beat a Kang who had already been in a slump, losing 4 out of 8 fights before the Bisping fight.  Not very impressive, IMO.  Let's see if he can hang with an actual top 10 fighter before we consider him more than hype.

This......Kang is Bispings biggest win of his career,and Kang was on a downslide,and gassed like crazy.Far from impressive.The UK guys will look for anything to grasp onto to make Mike seem like a contender when he clearly is not.

Look it Up - haha great vid CRE 


Hate420 - 
japetto - He beat a Kang who had already been in a slump, losing 4 out of 8 fights before the Bisping fight.  Not very impressive, IMO.  Let's see if he can hang with an actual top 10 fighter before we consider him more than hype.

This......Kang is Bispings biggest win of his career,and Kang was on a downslide,and gassed like crazy.Far from impressive.The UK guys will look for anything to grasp onto to make Mike seem like a contender when he clearly is not.
whats funny is bisbing gassed your boy from his guard w/o taking any punches. that s some new level type BJJ


^^^ I lol everytime I see that picture,and I lol'd even harder when you called Kang my boy,Im not a Kang fan in the least,Im just not blind and can see the obvious.

 he actually reminded me of ali on the ground slipping punches like rope a dope. great fight

Bisping has a long way to go to before I count him in the top 10.

 I was going to give this thread a chance...until I saw Bisping being compared to Ali and credited with new level BJJ because Kang gassed.

I actually LIKE Bisping, the only time I've ever not liked him is when he made a fool of himself on TUF, but I understand they need a villain every season. But the nuthuggery on here is bad. It makes me want to root against Bisping when he fights so I don't have to dodge so many "I <3 Bisping" threads.

The James -  I was going to give this thread a chance...until I saw Bisping being compared to Ali and credited with new level BJJ because Kang gassed.

I actually LIKE Bisping, the only time I've ever not liked him is when he made a fool of himself on TUF, but I understand they need a villain every season. But the nuthuggery on here is bad. It makes me want to root against Bisping when he fights so I don't have to dodge so many "I <3 Bisping" threads.


Hate420 - 
japetto - He beat a Kang who had already been in a slump, losing 4 out of 8 fights before the Bisping fight.  Not very impressive, IMO.  Let's see if he can hang with an actual top 10 fighter before we consider him more than hype.

This......Kang is Bispings biggest win of his career,and Kang was on a downslide,and gassed like crazy.Far from impressive.The UK guys will look for anything to grasp onto to make Mike seem like a contender when he clearly is not.

 Apt screen name.

So who is B gunna fight now? i realize him and bonner are in diff. classes but shit....boner would kill him

Frozenropes - So who is B gunna fight now? i realize him and bonner are in diff. classes but shit....boner would kill him


Great thread Watchin!

Bisping is the real deal

... stupid embed code.