Official Bisbing apology thread

Yay. He beat Dennis Can.

stevekt - Yay. He beat Dennis Can.

 He sure did! Did you see Kangs face? he was out on the canvas for ages in pain with the medics helping him out.

Thanks for adding your apology to the thread.

"He's gonna do work when he sees you - in the cage or in the street. "

So now you're issuing a street fight challenge for Hendo in behalf of Bisping? I wonder what your hero would think of that. LOL.

Good victory for Bisping. I thought Kang was going to get him.

 Bisping/Hendo 2

Hendo fears Bisping

explodingboy - Great thread Watchin!

 thanks EB, it was great to see the old count back in action!!

that was the same bisbing that broke matt hammill and rashad last saturday

 he did shoot on hendo at least one time but it was a pretty sloppy shot if I remember correctly.

I really think hendo was in his head a bit or something. he looked like he was not in the best shape for that one and did not seem amped up like the usual bisbing

The Mammoth - 
stevekt - Yay. He beat Dennis Can.

 He sure did! Did you see Kangs face? he was out on the canvas for ages in pain with the medics helping him out.

Thanks for adding your apology to the thread.


If I was a Bisping fan I would be worried. That glass jaw is clearly a liability, he almost got finished. No one with a glass jaw will be champ. That pretty much rules out anyone from England.

Bisping's fight and post-fight interview made me more of a fan. He's not there yet, but he has championship cailbre within him.

Bisping lost to one of the best fighters of all time. Some people wilt after a fight like that. Bisping came back stronger and more motivated.

Kang is a tough tough guy. He seems to be missing something from his game but anyone who calls him a can is just stupid.

gangsta101 - 
FranklinFailedMe -  No one with a glass jaw will be champ.
GSP can do better than that. I remember the day when trolling was more clever. Amateurish at best.


Lotta people wanna have Bisping babies in here

Trooper Soul - What I don't understand is why Bisping didn't use the same strategy against Hendo - takedown to GNP to referee stoppage. Instead he tried to strike with him..

Maybe because he knew that Hendo's wrestling skills on the ground would prevent him from being able to mount for the GNP? Standing up seems like the much smarter strategy for me, somebody shoulda listened when his corner screamed repeatedly for him to circle to the OTHER direction.

I would like to see him against Marquardt Leites or perhaps Cote. Seriously, doubt Cote all you want, he was a contender, and earned his shot.

id like to see him fight Wandy.

.........there. Thats much better. .......there. Thats much better. LOFL at the Bisbing balls sniffers.


WatchinMMA -  dan can thank his lucky stars bisbing did not get that TD and proceed to paint a picture with his face

Hendo's wrestling is way better than Bispings. He competed in the 1992 and 1996 olympics for Greco-Roman.

No chance in hell bisping was going to get him down or hold him down for that matter

FranklinFailedMe - If I was a Bisping fan I would be worried. That glass jaw is clearly a liability, he almost got finished. No one with a glass jaw will be champ. That pretty much rules out anyone from England.

 lol @ discrediting Hendos punching power!

How does your crow taste by the way?

The Mammoth - 
FranklinFailedMe - If I was a Bisping fan I would be worried. That glass jaw is clearly a liability, he almost got finished. No one with a glass jaw will be champ. That pretty much rules out anyone from England.

 lol @ discrediting Hendos punching power!

How does your crow taste by the way?

Um? What? Hendo could hit like a girl and he would still have KOed Bisping. Methinks you are confused.