Official Rogan and Goldie appreciation thread

These two are truly a part of the UFC experience and I appreciate them! Truly wouldn't be the same with either of them missing. We don't know what we have till it's gone, and Kenny florian in Rio was enough for me to realize, Rogan and Goldie 4L... Phone Post




Agreed 100%.

Agree! Phone Post



Signed Phone Post

signed. part of the furniture at the ufc, hopefully they don't decide to replace that furniture anytime soon.



 they're the best

Signed Phone Post

TTT Phone Post

Agreed and signed Phone Post

Agreed Phone Post

Agreed + Signed. Not even close to the same experience without them. When Rogan and Goldie are on the mics.. no can defend.

As GREAT of commentator Kenny Florian is, or Randy Couture, or just about anyone else, Rogan is just simply awesome!

I watched UFC RIO at a bar w/ no commentary. I specifically re-watched the event when I got home just to hear Rogan's insight and comments about the fights/results, and was BUMMED he wasn't there!

Nobody is perfect, and Rogan acknowledges this. He's sometimes biased towards a fighter or technique, but his honest & passionate approach of commentary has set the bar so high, I'm not sure anyone could match it. I really like Bas Rutten & Pat Militech, but that's about it as far as other commentators go. No one else even comes close to matching Rogan & Goldy.

Mike Goldberg always gets unwarranted hate around here, but the simple truth is he makes the play-by-play job look SO easy, it's equally impressive.

CHiLLEN - Goldie gets bashed quite a bit around here.. I think he's a great co-commentator. Sure he's not the sharpest knife in the draw and could probably do with some hands on MMA.

Do you honestly think there are techniques & moves that Mike Golgberg hasn't seen? He's easily called over 1000 fights. He's seen the sport evolve literally just feet in front of him. Goldy also does train himself w/ Mark Dellagrotte mostly doing Muay Thai, but for his own well being and passion for it.

The thing is.. he often times asks questions to Joe so that Joe can respond informing the VIEWERS. He knows the answers to most questions he asks, and will often ask something so people can hear Rogan's opinion. He knows how to pull the best out of his partner and does an amazing job helping Rogan do so!