Old school pics from Jason DeLucia album

 Been interwebing it a lot lately and happened upon a website with some pretty cool pics from Jason DeLucia

Mike Jones Kickboxing Academy, Arvada Colorado, 1994
L-R: Ken Shamrock, David Trujillo, Jeremy Gough, Jason DeLucia, Roy Delgado
(Photo courtesy of Jeremy Gough)



Todd Medina, Sal Gasparri, Kunioku Kiuma, Maurice Smith, Guy Mezger , Don Clovis

Ken Shamrock with Jason DeLucia after Victory over Funaki Masakatsu


Cool pics, thanks! Any more?

 The Vernon White one cracks me up.  


  Fighters and friends on vacation Mt Fuji


sk8actr - Cool pics, thanks! Any more?

 Damn, I wish!  I just posted all of them. These were pretty cool.  There weren't many, but I figured some people would get a kick out of them.  

 Here's a few from his academy.



 Bas with hair and Frank and Ken getting along, how cool?

great pics

thanks for sharing.

old school Frank Shammy in there is pretty cool too.

& bas


fryabusa -  Bas with hair and Frank and Ken getting along, how cool?

I said the same exact same thing in my head when I saw it the first time.