Old school pics from Jason DeLucia album



 Jeff Osborne of HooknShoot sent this picture out with one of the issues  on HnS newsletter

 Nice additions dudes!

TTT Phone Post


 Thanks for the ttt's and the contributions.  Great stuff. 

TTT. Great thread...

cool thread/pics!

Very cool,thanks for sharing! Old school NHB photos = win!

mr nemo - Very cool,thanks for sharing! Old school NHB photos = win!
Yeah, man. Thanks! Phone Post

 Ok, much better pic of the same one

 ttt great thread, but incomplete without train tracks pic.

 thanks for the ttt's, thanks, and additons.  I'm glad it gets bumped so everybody can see some really cool pics and add some more.  

Nice pic Various.  Love the drinks in hands.   

Shamrock Senior :-) RIP


DrunkPunk -  My favorite pic of Delucia

Been my avatar since I joined. Awesome pic is awesome. Phone Post

 ^ That armbar led to a few bad pile drivers when copied in the gym I trained at