Old timers UG

I didn't really create to the thread to slam newer members. There are lots of new members that are great posters.
However there are a lot of older members that have been here since the beginning that have seen a massive change in the forum.
Not just the content but the level of bashing and general shit talking.
You can say if you don't like it then leave all you fucking want.
That's not the point.
Why does anyone care if this is created or not. Those who do not qualify can still post on the UG. nothing changes for them but it will satisfy a great number of long time members.

ttt.......please let this happen

There is no doubt that I participate much less because of the b.s. that goes on here. If there were an old school forum, my post count would rise dramatically.

I would love to have a "UG veteran's forum"

Its becoming more and more rare to have a good, serious discussion about MMA on the UG.

I say set a maximum number of times each person can post per day.

Honestly this is a stupid idea. If you dont like the new UG, then go visit Sherdog. All are welcome there.


What about differnt forum levels? Keep the UG the same so everyone can mingle together, but add subcategories. Like silver, gold, and platinum? And then only members who fit into that category can post in that forum? Then you can have your 2001 and before members in the platinum forum, 2002 to pre TUF in the gold forum, and then maybe have like you have to have 1,000 posts to get into the silver forum??

been here since 91 but i lost my password

There should be an Elite Ground for people who actually know what they are talking about which shouldnt necessarily limit its membership by the amount of time you've been around here.

Lot of good ideas on this thread. I hope kriekri heeds them.

Just let me decide.

"then maybe have like you have to have 1,000 posts to get into the silver forum?? "

But can you imagine the content of those 1,000?

Just to play devil's advocate, the early joiners are less likely to be assholes, but are not necessarily more knowledgeable about the mma world now, or even then. Other people may have been interested in mma for 20 years, but not interested in forums.

How about a forum that you can't post in if you have a set amount of down votes?

Call it the TrollfreeGround.

 hmmm........... so I would be out??


*runs back to myspace*

But can you imagine the content of those 1,000?

Yeah, I thought of that. There's never going to be a 100% great plan, there will be a flaw no matter what route would be taken here. It sucks.

 How do you know your #?


I would've been like #2 or 3 if I had internet back then :/

Bows to the awesomeness of DiscoNfrno's 8/1/00 join date. :)

fishyfish - easy & absolutely serious : create an actual KKM protocol as part of the new site (super easy), where KKMs can't post on threads except the (new) KKMGround, whose purpose would be to LET the KKMs vent their ignorant shit amongst themselves, and not in everyone's way. let them LURK on the UG, but not post before at least 1 year (or after having lurked enough)

you're welcome
This is a really good idea.

Honestly this is a stupid idea. I see plenty of stupid comments/threads from the quote unquote old timers around here. This wouldn't solve any problems.