On Vacation!

Hey Gang,

I am out of town for all of September. I am currently on the East Coast (in Delaware). Been bodysurfing every day. Getting a tan...that sort of thing.

Anyway I'll be ignoring this place for a couple of weeks. Have fun. I know you wont miss me.


P.S. Swam with about 100 Dolphins yesterday. They were only about 50-100 yards off shore.

As gay is this will sound to any of you that aren't from this area: You picked a great time to hit the DE/MD shore.

The crowds are small, it's not oppressively hot, and the water is warm.

Enjoy your vacation, Taku.

Who goes to Delaware on vacation...

Taku should go hang out at Rehoboth... some of the funniest characters there...


I was in Rehobeth yesterday. I am staying about a mile outside Bethany Beach.

hit the links on Tuesday night...The mini-golf links that is.

I'll be in the D.C. area for an S&C workshop Friday and Saturday. Anyone near by want to hook up...let me know.


Oh yeah...Last Don spread on a thick layer of the sun tan lotion of correctness regarding his East Coast Beach seasonal knowledge.

TAKU<--- Tan is getting darker by the minute

Enjoy Taku. Bethany is nice.

We rented a house there a few years back, and it was a welcome change from the noise, and obnoxiousness of OC.

Just watch your corn-hole near Rehobeth/Rehomo.

Enjoy your time in DC. It's also nice this time of year. Not as many tourists clogging up the normal tourist destinations. My brother's down there working on the Hill for the semester. You should drop by with an envelope full of a white powdery substance. They love that stuff there. (Anthrax, not coke).

I went to a two day S&C workshop up in Maryland at the NSPA headquarters. It was very good. The focus was on speed and power developement for athletes.

All of the presenters were excellent. The NSPA are the main training center for USA Bobsledding. One of the guys was getting ready for Bobsled try outs He is one of their fastest push men.

He Could easily do a standing jump over a 42" box. Cool.

We did SAQ work, form running and speed training drills, "Plios", etc. We also worked on sprint starts with "Timing Eyes", very cool.

All in all a very good workshop. The NSPA consistenly delivers high qaulity materials. I recommend that anyone who has the opportunity, take advantage and don't miss the training they offer.


I'll have to look into that.

They're in Bethesda, right?

taku what do u do for work? just curious

Last Don,

They are in Gaithersburg. Right off of Shady Grove Road.


I am a Strength and Conditioning Coach. That is what I do.


Have fun at Bethany Beach, good times there.

On mya way home today...


Back to the real world.

TAKU<---wants to live a life of liesure

hm gaithersburg is at least 45 appx min from dc

Welcome back bro!

Thanks Dev,

The plane ride sucked! Some big storm over Kansas was trying to knock us out of the sky, Scarry.

SS, yeah 45 minutes from D.C. to G-burg sounds about right.