ONE overturn Petchmorokat vs Petrosyan


To a no contest. 

Just when ONE were doing all the right things. Absolutely disgusting they think that can do this just because their biggest star was beaten. All petchys hard work down the drain. Imagine in football or basketball or even boxing the referees overturning then decision a week later because their big star lost. 

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Petchmorokat has withdrawn from the tournament. Best thing he could have done, the biggest win of his life and ONE think they can take it away from him, if that's how they treat their fighters then they will not last long 



Was the constant clinching because of Petchmorokat? Was it because he only fought under these rules one time before that he kept clinching every 5 seconds? Seems most people did think Petrosyan won regardles, does that have something to do with the outcome? Overal, shitty situation for ONE and especially for Petch.

they did the same for Nieky holzens fight also.

he had a legit body blow and the guy acted like it was a low blow and took a 20 count.

Petrosian def won 2 rounds...they should rematch for sure, was a great fight w bad judging.  But change to NC?


Holzken def lost at least 3 rounds. 

USA commissions never overturn a fight for bigger fouls, ONE does it right and still gets shit for it.

I disagree with OP. Giorgio got fucking robbed. 


I think it is one of the best things One FC have done so far to overturn a bullshit decision in a sport where we continue to see shitty judging. 



stringtheory -

Petchmorokat has withdrawn from the tournament. Best thing he could have done, the biggest win of his life and ONE think they can take it away from him, if that's how they treat their fighters then they will not last long 

Also did you actually watch the fight or you just a whiney bitch? 

ThatsHowIRoll -
stringtheory -

Petchmorokat has withdrawn from the tournament. Best thing he could have done, the biggest win of his life and ONE think they can take it away from him, if that's how they treat their fighters then they will not last long 

Also did you actually watch the fight or you just a whiney bitch? 

Of course I did. It was undoubtedly 1-1 going into the third, i actually was leaning towards Petrosyan but that's not the point. It was super close and by no means a robbery, Petchmorokat landed great knees but Giorgio landed the cleaner punches. There are close fights that could go either way every week. An organisation can't decide they aren't happy with who won so change it to a no contest and give "their" guy another chance. It totally delegitimises the sport.

ThatsHowIRoll -

I disagree with OP. Giorgio got fucking robbed. 


I think it is one of the best things One FC have done so far to overturn a bullshit decision in a sport where we continue to see shitty judging. 



It wasn't like Petrosyan won 3 rounds to 0, maybe then you could understand but it was very close with only a close round in it.


would ONE have overturned the decision if Petchmorokat won? 


Why jave judges if ONE can just decide for themselves.

the fact people are defending them regardless of who you think won is ridiculous.

ThatsHowIRoll -

I disagree with OP. Giorgio got fucking robbed. 


I think it is one of the best things One FC have done so far to overturn a bullshit decision in a sport where we continue to see shitty judging. 



THIS is correct. 

stringtheory -
ThatsHowIRoll -

I disagree with OP. Giorgio got fucking robbed. 


I think it is one of the best things One FC have done so far to overturn a bullshit decision in a sport where we continue to see shitty judging. 



It wasn't like Petrosyan won 3 rounds to 0, maybe then you could understand but it was very close with only a close round in it.


would ONE have overturned the decision if Petchmorokat won? 


Why jave judges if ONE can just decide for themselves.

the fact people are defending them regardless of who you think won is ridiculous.

Seems to me like they would have turned it over the other way, yeh. 


Theyre supporting their fighters and FAIRNESS. 


Its like VR in football. We have the technology now. If it can be used to ensure more fair outcomes then organizations that review shitty judging and actually act like this for their fighters are leading the sport in the right direction. 

stringtheory -
ThatsHowIRoll -

I disagree with OP. Giorgio got fucking robbed. 


I think it is one of the best things One FC have done so far to overturn a bullshit decision in a sport where we continue to see shitty judging. 



It wasn't like Petrosyan won 3 rounds to 0, maybe then you could understand but it was very close with only a close round in it.


would ONE have overturned the decision if Petchmorokat won? 


Why jave judges if ONE can just decide for themselves.

the fact people are defending them regardless of who you think won is ridiculous.

Agree with all of this. 

ONE is starting to get exposed recently