ONE overturn Petchmorokat vs Petrosyan

Can someone provide cliffs?

The Maestro -

Can someone provide cliffs?

ONE FC kickboxing tourney with 1 million dollar prize for winner reaches quarter final. 

All favourites lose their bouts inc. arguably worlds best kickboxer Giorgio. 

There was some public outcry and opinion that he was robbed and won the fight. 

One FC reviewed the dubious judging and refereeing and overturned multiple decisions scheduling rematches including Giorgio's match up. 

Socialist anti establishment UG hipster faggots target One FC as money hungry cunts rather than looking at it objectively because they felt like they already bitched about the UFC and Dana enough today. 

Damien Trainor and Kevin Ross’s reaction

ThatsHowIRoll -
The Maestro -

Can someone provide cliffs?

ONE FC kickboxing tourney with 1 million dollar prize for winner reaches quarter final. 

All favourites lose their bouts inc. arguably worlds best kickboxer Giorgio. 

There was some public outcry and opinion that he was robbed and won the fight. 

One FC reviewed the dubious judging and refereeing and overturned multiple decisions scheduling rematches including Giorgio's match up. 

Socialist anti establishment UG hipster faggots target One FC as money hungry cunts rather than looking at it objectively because they felt like they already bitched about the UFC and Dana enough today. 

Such an objective post.....

And only on the UG could someone turn this into a political stand hahaha

Glad it got overturned 

I didnt watch the fight, so I cant comment on the particulars of it, but idk how people are defending it regardless of what happened in the fight. The promotion shouldnt have the power to overturn outcomes of fights or declare them no contests, that should be left up to dedicated governing bodies. (unless I read this all wrong, it seems One did this interally)

Imagine if the UFC had this ability. Their big champion loses a close decision and they come back and declare the bout a NC, pull the title and schedule a rematch. The MMA world would lose its fucking mind!

Again, I didnt see the fight, Im not commenting on the fight. Im just saying, in general, a promotion shouldnt have this power. It opens the door to serious corruption and is a clear conflict of interest.

It's fucked up to overturn a fight because you didn't agree with the judges.. 

Too Rude - I didnt watch the fight, so I cant comment on the particulars of it, but idk how people are defending it regardless of what happened in the fight. The promotion shouldnt have the power to overturn outcomes of fights or declare them no contests, that should be left up to dedicated governing bodies. (unless I read this all wrong, it seems One did this interally)

Imagine if the UFC had this ability. Their big champion loses a close decision and they come back and declare the bout a NC, pull the title and schedule a rematch. The MMA world would lose its fucking mind!

Again, I didnt see the fight, Im not commenting on the fight. Im just saying, in general, a promotion shouldnt have this power. It opens the door to serious corruption and is a clear conflict of interest.

Exactly mate. Watch the fight, it’s a hard fought close fight. Unbelievable what they’ve done. 

ThatsHowIRoll -
The Maestro -

Can someone provide cliffs?

ONE FC kickboxing tourney with 1 million dollar prize for winner reaches quarter final. 

All favourites lose their bouts inc. arguably worlds best kickboxer Giorgio. 

There was some public outcry and opinion that he was robbed and won the fight. 

One FC reviewed the dubious judging and refereeing and overturned multiple decisions scheduling rematches including Giorgio's match up. 

Socialist anti establishment UG hipster faggots target One FC as money hungry cunts rather than looking at it objectively because they felt like they already bitched about the UFC and Dana enough today. 

What a weird thing to post. How old are you? 

Targeting ONE? What on earth are you talking about. 

I have probably been the biggest advocate for ONE on this forum but the call to rule that fight a no contest is bad one, it was an incredibly close fight and does everyone involved a great disservice.

Too Rude - I didnt watch the fight, so I cant comment on the particulars of it, but idk how people are defending it regardless of what happened in the fight. The promotion shouldnt have the power to overturn outcomes of fights or declare them no contests, that should be left up to dedicated governing bodies. (unless I read this all wrong, it seems One did this interally)

Imagine if the UFC had this ability. Their big champion loses a close decision and they come back and declare the bout a NC, pull the title and schedule a rematch. The MMA world would lose its fucking mind!

Again, I didnt see the fight, Im not commenting on the fight. Im just saying, in general, a promotion shouldnt have this power. It opens the door to serious corruption and is a clear conflict of interest.

Insightful post, what is this One governing body you are referring to?

stringtheory -


To a no contest. 

Just when ONE were doing all the right things. Absolutely disgusting they think that can do this just because their biggest star was beaten. All petchys hard work down the drain. Imagine in football or basketball or even boxing the referees overturning then decision a week later because their big star lost. 

Chatri soews so much righteous bullshit to inflate his own ego it's disgusting.

To too it off he does shit like this & it isn't the 1st or last time he will.

losing Yod & Petro in the same night killed them & they found a loophole.

If anyone is in Asia like I am you bear tons of ONE horror stories. At least Dana is the devil & doesn't act otherwise

This is awesome. More decisions should be overturned in cases of obvious poor judging or refereeing. Hope it catches on with more promotions. The idea that a judges' decision should be final regardless of the quality of said judging is asinine. GGG vs Canelo 1 is a prime example of judging that should have been corrected.

Soul Gravy - This is awesome. More decisions should be overturned in cases of obvious poor judging or refereeing. Hope it catches on with more promotions. The idea that a judges' decision should be final regardless of the quality of said judging is asinine. GGG vs Canelo 1 is a prime example of judging that should have been corrected.

But this wasnt an obvious case of bad judging or refereeing. Some think Pethmorakot won some think Petrosyan won. I personally think Pethmorakot did enough to win a decision. Also, although this is an appeal to authority most pro MT/kickboxing fighters disagree with overturning the decision. If youre going to overturn a decision by the judges that you think is wrong, why even have judges in the first place? At this point they are now insinuating that in a close fight you should choose the fighter that they want to win. 

ONE FC's own article after the fight even comes off like they agree with the decision.

"Undeterred, The Thai continued to stab with his thrusting knees to the body. Petrosyan evaded many of them by stepping his hips back, but Petchmorakot succeeded in disrupting his rhythm, as "The Doctor" failed to take command of the bout like he has done so many times before. "

- YouTube


Soul Gravy - This is awesome. More decisions should be overturned in cases of obvious poor judging or refereeing. Hope it catches on with more promotions. The idea that a judges' decision should be final regardless of the quality of said judging is asinine. GGG vs Canelo 1 is a prime example of judging that should have been corrected.

Posts like this baffle me. How under any circumstances could you think this is a good thing, there are judges for a reason. This is absolutely terrible for the legitimacy of the sport. It doesn't matter how close a fight is, there are 3 judges, if it goes to a decision they decide who is the winner. 

Dominique Robinson -
stringtheory -


To a no contest. 

Just when ONE were doing all the right things. Absolutely disgusting they think that can do this just because their biggest star was beaten. All petchys hard work down the drain. Imagine in football or basketball or even boxing the referees overturning then decision a week later because their big star lost. 

Chatri soews so much righteous bullshit to inflate his own ego it's disgusting.

To too it off he does shit like this & it isn't the 1st or last time he will.

losing Yod & Petro in the same night killed them & they found a loophole.

If anyone is in Asia like I am you bear tons of ONE horror stories. At least Dana is the devil & doesn't act otherwise

Interesting, this is the first shady thing I've seen them do, in a big ONE fan as well so that's bad to hear. Thanks for the insight mate 

Maybe there was some back alley gambling involved and some certain Asian mafiaso didn't want to pay. 

Petrosyan was sharp early and faded. Didn't think he lost, but it was 3-2 either way. Close fight. Can't agree with the Thai team's decision to not fight again when a potential million dollars is on the line. Seems overly prideful.

CRE - Petrosyan was sharp early and faded. Didn't think he lost, but it was 3-2 either way. Close fight. Can't agree with the Thai team's decision to not fight again when a potential million dollars is on the line. Seems overly prideful.

Read the statement they put out, I completely agree with the decision. How can he feel he has any chance to win the fight now if it goes to decision. What if he wins a close fight again will they overturn it once more. It was 100% the right thing to do in my opinion. ONE have shown their true colours and it's a slap in the face to Petchmorokat. It was never about the money for him it was about pride, he stepped into Petrosyans world against the best in the game and did the unthinkable, only for it to be taken away from him. He has offered to fight Petrosyan outside of ONE in a rematch, perfect thing to do.