ONE overturn Petchmorokat vs Petrosyan

stringtheory - 
CRE - Petrosyan was sharp early and faded. Didn't think he lost, but it was 3-2 either way. Close fight. Can't agree with the Thai team's decision to not fight again when a potential million dollars is on the line. Seems overly prideful.

Read the statement they put out, I completely agree with the decision. How can he feel he has any chance to win the fight now if it goes to decision. What if he wins a close fight again will they overturn it once more. It was 100% the right thing to do in my opinion. ONE have shown their true colours and it's a slap in the face to Petchmorokat. It was never about the money for him it was about pride, he stepped into Petrosyans world against the best in the game and did the unthinkable, only for it to be taken away from him. He has offered to fight Petrosyan outside of ONE in a rematch, perfect thing to do. 

Should use this as motivation to win even more clearly. Wasted opportunity. Not smart business.

You don't want a manager that thinks with pride and emotions. That's exactly what Petchmorokat's team is doing. This type of money doesn't exist in thai boxing. He could probably get a pay bump for the rematch too. I'm sure they're Buddhist and don't care about the money as much though.

stringtheory - 
CRE - Petrosyan was sharp early and faded. Didn't think he lost, but it was 3-2 either way. Close fight. Can't agree with the Thai team's decision to not fight again when a potential million dollars is on the line. Seems overly prideful.

Read the statement they put out, I completely agree with the decision. How can he feel he has any chance to win the fight now if it goes to decision. What if he wins a close fight again will they overturn it once more. It was 100% the right thing to do in my opinion. ONE have shown their true colours and it's a slap in the face to Petchmorokat. It was never about the money for him it was about pride, he stepped into Petrosyans world against the best in the game and did the unthinkable, only for it to be taken away from him. He has offered to fight Petrosyan outside of ONE in a rematch, perfect thing to do. 

Should use this as motivation to win even more clearly. Wasted opportunity. Not smart business.

He won once and they took it away from him, what aren’t you understanding about this? Why would he put his trust in them again? How can he have any faith in winning a decision again, he knows how good Petrosyan is and how much of a task it is to beat him. Fuck ONE they don’t deserve to have him, he’s done the right thing he doesn’t need them. What they’ve done is disgusting I’m not surprised he wants no part of their organisation again. 

Rewatched the fight and I agree with This decision. 1 round is easily won bye petrosian. Round 2 Petch is clinching way way to much. I would go as far as to say a point should have been deducted in that round from petch - referee warned him several several times but he just continued to clinch and making more then 1 techniqe and also not releasing the clinch. Kickboxing it would be a clear win for georgio . Suprised how they judged it tbh. I would go so far as to say MT rules petrosian won too because of the sweep in last round ... kickboxing easy win for Petrosian so right to make it a no contest. MT rules it was a close close fight with petch getting the better in the clinch in rounds 2 and 3. Both rulesets clearly in favour of petrosian first round . Round 2 maybe petch for clinch game in MT rules. Round 3 either petch for strong clinch or petrosian for the sweep MT rules that is... kickboxing rules petrosian should have been Winner cause of excessive clinching bye his opponent

Messy fight, not much clean landed, but Petch did manage to push it in r2,3. Giorgio failed to bring it under control. Fair decision.

Shit move to overturn the result. I could see if there was some clear foul, but there wasn’t. Petch obeyed the ref just fine. They could have re-matched at a later time.

Doesn't matter if you agree with decision or not. Promotion should not have ability to overturn results on its own cognizance. Especially where the move benefits them by having an L removed from their big-name signing.

Bad look.

The correct approach is ONE taking exception to the referee, a la Dana going nuts about Mazaggatti after shit refereeing etc. Doing it this way looks corrupt.

CRE - You don't want a manager that thinks with pride and emotions. That's exactly what Petchmorokat's team is doing. This type of money doesn't exist in thai boxing. He could probably get a pay bump for the rematch too. I'm sure they're Buddhist and don't care about the money as much though.

I see it as a camp/management doing what's right and having the backs of his fighters over money and fame. Way to go Petchyindee! 

OUTCOLD - I have probably been the biggest advocate for ONE on this forum but the call to rule that fight a no contest is bad one, it was an incredibly close fight and does everyone involved a great disservice.

Should have just ordered a rematch. No need to punish Petchmorokat.

The 3 second clinch rule leaves a lot to be desired. 


Supposedley fighters are suppose to clinch ,strike and release ,without the ref getting involved but would you really release a clinch (all the time ),knowing full well that your opponent just might hit you on the break ?


expecting fighters to disengage themselves completely in all situations is not realistic and actually could be dangerous for some fighters. 



The 3 second rule should have (imo) a referee that gets active in seperateing them after 3 seconds ,not just thinking that they will simply release themselves after every clinch 


I know that I personally wouldn't want release a clinch if I was not 100 percent certain my opponent wasn't going to hit on the break 


the 3 second rule should have a refs intervention because expecting fighters to release in all situations ,just doesn't seem rational and safe  

Koga - 
Too Rude - I didnt watch the fight, so I cant comment on the particulars of it, but idk how people are defending it regardless of what happened in the fight. The promotion shouldnt have the power to overturn outcomes of fights or declare them no contests, that should be left up to dedicated governing bodies. (unless I read this all wrong, it seems One did this interally)

Imagine if the UFC had this ability. Their big champion loses a close decision and they come back and declare the bout a NC, pull the title and schedule a rematch. The MMA world would lose its fucking mind!

Again, I didnt see the fight, Im not commenting on the fight. Im just saying, in general, a promotion shouldnt have this power. It opens the door to serious corruption and is a clear conflict of interest.

Insightful post, what is this One governing body you are referring to?

Im talking generally, not really on topic about this particular fight.

Governing body like an athletic commission or whatever kind of regulatory agency oversees the bouts.

No fight promoter/promotion should be able to overturn a bouts result, regardless of how close it was or how the judging was.

Another thing that I've notice people talking about that doesn't make sense 


yes ,it could have been a close or even bad decision by the judges but the judges cannot take it upon themselves to interpret a foul ,if the ref has not called a actual foul.  


they must simply judge the fight that has transpired ,the fouls are only deducted if the ref makes that call. 


otherwise ,judges simply judge the actual action that's taking place in the ring 


fouls are deducted from the scoresheets at the end of the round ,only if they are issued 


it could be a bad call as far (as the decision is concerned)but they cannot factor in a refs foul that has not been called 

john joe - Doesn't matter if you agree with decision or not. Promotion should not have ability to overturn results on its own cognizance. Especially where the move benefits them by having an L removed from their big-name signing.

Bad look.

this this this

bellator and ufc should try the same and see if ppl freak tfo

are ppl allowed to place bets on onefc fights?

stringtheory -

^^^ for the posters asking about the ‘governing body’ that made this decision- the promotion itself

lmfao@ a promoter able to do such a thing

i was taking onefc seriously this past yr too

starboy -
stringtheory -

^^^ for the posters asking about the ‘governing body’ that made this decision- the promotion itself

lmfao@ a promoter able to do such a thing

i was taking onefc seriously this past yr too

Thinking the same too. Not a great look

chadtree done fucked up. at least he's not posting how he lived on 25 cents a day while going to harvard.

There is nothing wrong with overturning the result of a fight when there are grounds to do so.

American athletic commissions could learn something from this.

Dznuts - There is nothing wrong with overturning the result of a fight when there are grounds to do so.

American athletic commissions could learn something from this.

This. The biggest complaint in combat sports has always been questionable referee calls/judges decisions. A promotion finally does something about it WHEN WARRANTED…refreshing.

Great breakdown in this thread:

Terrible look by One

I fully support This since it was declared A NO CONTEST! I wouldnt agree to overturn it as a win for Petrosyan but before you people complain about the overturn watch the breakdown video ! It really puts everything in clear light too see!