ONE overturn Petchmorokat vs Petrosyan

Mr Muay Thai -
ThatsHowIRoll -
The Maestro -

Can someone provide cliffs?

ONE FC kickboxing tourney with 1 million dollar prize for winner reaches quarter final. 

All favourites lose their bouts inc. arguably worlds best kickboxer Giorgio. 

There was some public outcry and opinion that he was robbed and won the fight. 

One FC reviewed the dubious judging and refereeing and overturned multiple decisions scheduling rematches including Giorgio's match up. 

Socialist anti establishment UG hipster faggots target One FC as money hungry cunts rather than looking at it objectively because they felt like they already bitched about the UFC and Dana enough today. 

Such an objective post.....

And only on the UG could someone turn this into a political stand hahaha

While calling everyone else hipster faggots, hahaha

stringtheory - 
Soul Gravy - This is awesome. More decisions should be overturned in cases of obvious poor judging or refereeing. Hope it catches on with more promotions. The idea that a judges' decision should be final regardless of the quality of said judging is asinine. GGG vs Canelo 1 is a prime example of judging that should have been corrected.

Posts like this baffle me. How under any circumstances could you think this is a good thing, there are judges for a reason. This is absolutely terrible for the legitimacy of the sport. It doesn't matter how close a fight is, there are 3 judges, if it goes to a decision they decide who is the winner. 

And if their judging is crap, it should be overturned. Post like yours baffle me. Why abide by obviously shitty judging?

If judges got it right the first time, they wouldn’t need to be overturned.

Then again, I think instant replay should be used for each and every play in every single sporting event. We have the technology. There’s no reason not the make the games as absolutely fair as possible.

Too Rude - 
Koga - 
Too Rude - I didnt watch the fight, so I cant comment on the particulars of it, but idk how people are defending it regardless of what happened in the fight. The promotion shouldnt have the power to overturn outcomes of fights or declare them no contests, that should be left up to dedicated governing bodies. (unless I read this all wrong, it seems One did this interally)

Imagine if the UFC had this ability. Their big champion loses a close decision and they come back and declare the bout a NC, pull the title and schedule a rematch. The MMA world would lose its fucking mind!

Again, I didnt see the fight, Im not commenting on the fight. Im just saying, in general, a promotion shouldnt have this power. It opens the door to serious corruption and is a clear conflict of interest.

Insightful post, what is this One governing body you are referring to?

Im talking generally, not really on topic about this particular fight.

Governing body like an athletic commission or whatever kind of regulatory agency oversees the bouts.

No fight promoter/promotion should be able to overturn a bouts result, regardless of how close it was or how the judging was.

The problem is that the governing bodies rarely overturn decisions even when the decisions are obviously bad. If the promotions have to take things into their own hands, so be it.

Newaza freak - 

Another thing that I've notice people talking about that doesn't make sense 


yes ,it could have been a close or even bad decision by the judges but the judges cannot take it upon themselves to interpret a foul ,if the ref has not called a actual foul.  


they must simply judge the fight that has transpired ,the fouls are only deducted if the ref makes that call. 


otherwise ,judges simply judge the actual action that's taking place in the ring 


fouls are deducted from the scoresheets at the end of the round ,only if they are issued 


it could be a bad call as far (as the decision is concerned)but they cannot factor in a refs foul that has not been called 

This is why there are so much shit judging. If a judge sees a fighter hanging on the to cage and the ref (as usual) does not call it, the judge should count it anyway. The ref should not be the end-all voice of authority in the match. Nor should the judges. It should be a combination of the two AND they should be forced to provide rationale for their decisions at every point throughout the match.

Allowing fouls to go unpunished simply because the ref didn’t call it is asinine.

Submissable - 
Soul Gravy - This is awesome. More decisions should be overturned in cases of obvious poor judging or refereeing. Hope it catches on with more promotions. The idea that a judges' decision should be final regardless of the quality of said judging is asinine. GGG vs Canelo 1 is a prime example of judging that should have been corrected.

But this wasnt an obvious case of bad judging or refereeing. Some think Pethmorakot won some think Petrosyan won. I personally think Pethmorakot did enough to win a decision. Also, although this is an appeal to authority most pro MT/kickboxing fighters disagree with overturning the decision. If youre going to overturn a decision by the judges that you think is wrong, why even have judges in the first place? At this point they are now insinuating that in a close fight you should choose the fighter that they want to win. 

ONE FC's own article after the fight even comes off like they agree with the decision.

"Undeterred, The Thai continued to stab with his thrusting knees to the body. Petrosyan evaded many of them by stepping his hips back, but Petchmorakot succeeded in disrupting his rhythm, as "The Doctor" failed to take command of the bout like he has done so many times before. "

I’ll admit, I haven’t even seen this fight. But I agree in principle on overturning poor judging decisions. Again, GGG vs Canelo 1 is a perfect example. It is beyond obvious that fight was fixed and that the decision was not legitimate. That the decision is allowed to stand is an affront to the fighters and everyone who watched it.

Sabaki -

I fully support This since it was declared A NO CONTEST! I wouldnt agree to overturn it as a win for Petrosyan but before you people complain about the overturn watch the breakdown video ! It really puts everything in clear light too see! 

But the breakdown isn't the fight live. The ref didn't give any yellow cards or points and the clinch is only allowed to be used offensively for 3 seconds but not defensively?! The fuck outta here.....





The parent company of ONE is reorienting its business model toward commercial bartering, which is the increasingly larger segment of its business. Its latest business filings revealed this.

StretchPlum - The parent company of ONE is reorienting its business model toward commercial bartering, which is the increasingly larger segment of its business. Its latest business filings revealed this.

Nothing new about this, the financials are publicly available and barter has been the largest revenue segment for years.