opponent for Sean McCorkle

I have a lot of respect for Sean and would love to see him fight Mike "Demon" Williams. Mike is 5-0 pro and currently lives in OH. He can drive to Indy or KY to fight Sean. From a fans stand point, this would be a great match. Can someone make this fight happen!!

TTT 4 McCorkle...


Please make this fight happen!!

SFLmanagement - I have a lot of respect for Sean and would love to see him fight Mike "Demon" Williams. Mike is 5-0 pro and currently lives in OH. He can drive to Indy or KY to fight Sean. From a fans stand point, this would be a great match. Can someone make this fight happen!!

I would fight Mike, but my name is not Bobby Favors

6'0" 350 lbs?

Make it happen. McCorkle has offered to pay for an opponents travel arrangements. Will he step up or is he full of shit? Dude comes off as a big as bitch thats afraid of fighting someone that might give him some competition.

McCorkle vs. Wes Simms must happen!

jmmz - Make it happen. McCorkle has offered to pay for an opponents travel arrangements. Will he step up or is he full of shit? Dude comes off as a big as bitch thats afraid of fighting someone that might give him some competition.

He has offered to pay those that have been shit talking to him,not the same as you picking someone and calling him a bitch if he does not pay.

oddly the guy has grown on me and seems like a good guy.

last someone posted Sims has priced himself out of the pay range for the smaller shows

jmmz - Make it happen. McCorkle has offered to pay for an opponents travel arrangements. Will he step up or is he full of shit? Dude comes off as a big as bitch thats afraid of fighting someone that might give him some competition.

Well since you're challenging me to a fight for someone else, I guarantee you wouldn't say any of that to Fedor's face.

TTT for making this fight happen...

I would travel to see this fight. If I remember correctly Mike has a 30-6 record as an Ammy, 5-0 pro record. The guy has some experience so it should be a good fight for McCorkle. Plus he won't back out like most of McCorkle's opponents.

IrishRomo - would like to see you fight someone who can test you sean.

M-1 is such a bitch to deal with though

Matt Mitrione and some other guy approve of this thread


23922_1217311034737_1287712656_3051.jpg picture by smccorkle23

TappedByTheAnaconda - I would travel to see this fight. If I remember correctly Mike has a 30-6 record as an Ammy, 5-0 pro record. The guy has some experience so it should be a good fight for McCorkle. Plus he won't back out like most of McCorkle's opponents.

Be careful, Sean. This guy was 30-6 as an amateur, and only 27 of those wins came against Bobby Favors.


Mike was 30-6-1 as an ammy. 5-0 pro. Its hard to find SHWTs. I just talked to a few others from AL and OH. Trying to get him a fight in 2 months against a solid opponent. Just saw another SHWT that is 7-0 from OH.

Sean McCorkle - 
SFLmanagement - I have a lot of respect for Sean and would love to see him fight Mike "Demon" Williams. Mike is 5-0 pro and currently lives in OH. He can drive to Indy or KY to fight Sean. From a fans stand point, this would be a great match. Can someone make this fight happen!!

I would fight Mike, but my name is not Bobby Favors


If you're really serious about him fighting me, and you think he'll do it, email me some pics or fight footage of him. I couldn't find any. I can't fight another guy that looks like my last opponent (no offense to Joe) or people will stop coming to watch me fight.
