Pan Pacs Team results

wow, so daves bigness is just an optical illusion. its amazing what can be done with smoke and mirrors.

Gidday Aaron and all, actually, this thread was started with: "Does anyone know the placings for the adult team results ?" after which Dave said "Last I looked BJJ wasn't a team sport, so who gives a shit about "team" standings." after BenBJJ was posting a ttt for the team standings for this year. So I guess there seems to be a bit of baiting mixed in with misunderstanding. Dave doesn't like wearing patches, cool. Ben likes the team aspect of his BJJ club, cool. WTF is the problem?? Can't we all just get along? :P Spread the love man.

very funny pic .

Dave is so good at BJJ he makes that 4 foot 2 frame feel much heavier when he is on the mount !

somebody should increase dave's head to cartoon-like proportions. that will help explain the 4foot 2 frame to weight discrepancy.

Thank you, thank you...

I'm here till Friday..

Thanks for comming..

ooh-e-ooh-e-ooh... waa waa waarrr.... *watches tumbleweed blow across forum*

ttt for making my head huge!


Now thats funny shit. Fuck there must be some bord people here. Come to think of it thats why i'm here.

Now his head is about the same size as Titos. ;)

That is cool, all I need now is a massive pillow!


Looks like you need to pull the couch cussion off and use that to fit your head on.


BenBJJ: Hey dude, do you train with Paulo? What sort of days do you train? Just know some people looking to train with some other schools, and you seemed to be in the know around Sydney.

Thanks Geoff, I didn't realise that was Dave in the first pic, recognised him straight away in the 2nd one though! ;)

Big Dave indeed???





Dave will probably cry himself to sleep now on his HUGE pillow. It's like an orange on a toothpick. HEAD !!! It's like sputnick - round with pointy bits.

lol down in front dave!!